Volume 3, Chapter 4: The End of Peace

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All matches were put on hold. I was eventually told that Yang had been taken back to her dorm room. I got there just as General Ironwood was leaving.

He gave me an apologetic glance. "She's been disqualified," he said. "It was the best I could manage."

"Thank you, General," I replied.

He nodded and left. I took a deep breath before entering the room.

Yang was seated on one of the beds. I'd caught her say something about wanting to be alone. Her teammates were just getting up to leave.

Ruby gave me a hug as she left. She whispered to me. "She needs you right now."

Yang and I were left alone in the room. She wouldn't look me in the eye, so I approached her and knelt at her feet. I crossed my arms over her lap and leaned in close so I could look up into her gorgeous lilac-purple eyes. "Hi, Angel," I said with a silly smile on my face.

As I forced myself into her line of sight, she couldn't hold back her smile and a single laugh. Her eyes immediately became sad and started to well with tears. She threw her arms around my neck and began to cry.

This was a terrible position for me so I picked her up like the princess she was to me and took her place on the edge of the bed. I held her tight in my lap until her sobbing ceased. 

"It was self-defense," she whispered. "He attacked me first."

That wasn't what I saw, but I chose to believe her anyways. I kissed her head. "You don't have to explain anything to me. I'm just here for you."

"Hope I'm not interrupting." Yang and I looked up to see Qrow in the doorway.

"Hey, Qrow," Yang said as she set her head against my neck.

I only half listened to the conversation that followed until something came up about Yang's mom. I jerked out of my subconsciousness. 

"You saw her?!" Qrow asked in surprise. 

"Yeah, (F/n) was there too," Yang replied. "You saw her too right? That day on the train?"

I was stunned by her question. She'd never even brought this up before. I myself had simply chosen not to talk about it.

"Yes, I did," I said simply.

Qrow talked a little about his sister's habits and referenced some information he'd received. 

"Raven sees the world in a different light than most people. She's dangerous," Qrow said. "But if you ever want to find her, I think I might be able to help."

Yang sat silently in my lap for a moment before she answered. "I'll think about it."

Qrow nodded then turned his attention to me. "(F/n), I need to talk to you." I nodded in response. 

"I'll catch you later, kiddo," he said to Yang as he stepped out to wait for me in the hall.

My eyes met Yang's. "I need to go," I said. "The next match will be starting soon." She nodded. 

"Let me know what you decide," I continued. "Whatever you choose, I'll support you. I'll even go with you if you want me to."

She smiled. "Alright, I'll let you know."

We shared a tender kiss then she got off my lap. "Good luck tonight," she said as she hugged me.

"Thanks, Angel," I answered as I made my way out. I stopped at the doorway and looked back at her. "I love you, Yang," I said.

The Representative: Yang Xiao Long x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now