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Adrian's POV

Jess slept for a bit, but I knew how to wake her. I saw her face and threw the words at her. She tried to push the invisible person away. Hey, Jess the movie is starting, I told her through thought.

"Hmm," she mumbled.

The movie is starting, figured you would want to know.

"Thanks, for waking me bitch."

Like I said you wanted me to wake you when the movie started and it is.

The lights dimmed and I grabbed Jess's hand. I was slightly scared that I was going to ruin Jess's authority at school. The movie began and we watched it, the whole time we laughed. Afterwards I figured I'd take her to see the sunset. It was the least I could do for her. Hey Jess want to go somewhere?

"Holy shit, Adrian stop doing that!" She yelled.

Don't flip out Jess, come on.

"Sorry, okay so where are we going?"

To a special place that you will like I hope.

She rolled her eyes and held out her hand, signalling that I should just lead. I smiled and took her hand in mine, then lead her to the place. We took some turns and began to walk down a corridor. The longer we walked the closer we go to the place I wanted to show Jess. We're almost there. I told Jess through my thoughts again. She rolled her eyes and kept following me. We climbed up a ladder to the roof of a four story building. I helped Jess up and we looked out into the horizon and waited. "What are we waiting for?" She asked.

"The sun to set," I told her.

"Ah, okay that makes sense."

I smiled and looked her in the eyes. They sparkled, light was bouncing off them. "So do you want to know how to communicate telepathically?" I asked.

"Definitely," she replied.

"Okay close your eyes. Now picture me and throw the words at me. That should send the message to me."

She pinched her temple and closed her eyes. A look of concentration covered her face fully. Eventually she stomped her foot in frustration. Yo, Jess don't get mad over it. I know you can do it just concentrate. The headache I used to get when I talked to her telepathically originally.

"Stop doing that!" She yelled mad that she couldn't get it.

Nope you have to be able to talk to me like this.

"Fine then."

Come on Jess I know you can do it.

Again she pinched her face in concentration. Adrian you son of a bitch. Jess thought.

There you go Jess you did it! I thought back to her.

Yep, be happy you can do it now.

Why so we can talk everyday, I felt her grin.

If that's okay with you.

As long as it's just you Adrian.

Now it was my turn to blush.

Jess look at the sun! I told her and pointed to the horizon. She looked and gasped a bit. Ever see anything as beautiful as this? I asked telepathically.

Never it's beautiful Adrian.

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