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Adrian's POV

The walk back to Jess's house was long and quiet. I felt bad for leaving Jess at my house. I honestly rather take her to her own house. My ponytail bounced behind me and began to bug me, not that this was the first time. Every time I took it down or put it up it bugged me. I could already tell from this experimental event that was happening. On the way home I began to hum a tune from a song that I couldn't remember the name to. Once I got home I opened the door and went inside. Then I headed upstairs to my room, I groaned. I should've warned Jess about my family and the chores, but I didn't. "Such an idiot, such an idiot," I mumbled to myself.

"Your not an idiot Adrian," Jess mumbled from behind me.

I turned around and looked at her. A warm smile plastered itself on my face I was glad she was okay. I got up from my bed and went to turn the light on. First I closed my door and then I turned on my light.

After a few more days passed, I realized it had been about a week since I noticed the day that was circled. I looked at the calendar again and saw the circled date. My stomach hurt so bad, I felt like crying. At first I thought I was going to be sick. Then I thought it could've been something else, but I had no idea what. I sat on Jess's bed crying silently from the pain. The thought didn't occur to me to call Jess since it was her body and she knew it the best. Eventually I was forced to get out of bed for one reason; I had to use the bathroom. While using the bathroom I noticed some red stuff. I wasn't sure what was happening to me. Was I dying? Could it possibly be that I was dying from being Jess for this long? Fine yes, I'll admit I was terrified right now. I dialed Jess's number and she picked up on the third ring. "What do you want?" She snapped.

"You need to come over soon," I said with hast in my voice.

"I'll be there in an hour, your parents should be leaving for your sister's dance recital."

"Okay," I hung up and waited for Jess.

She arrived at my window within two hours. "Sorry took longer than I thought it would," she mumbled slipping into the house.

I played with my feet and looked down at them. She looked at me then the calendar, then back at me. Her face cracked into a grin and began laughing hysterically. "What's so funny?" I asked confused.

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