.: thirty-four :.

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geoff the wig: /1 image attached

geoff the wig: ah fuck look at this cutie

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geoff the wig: ah fuck look at this cutie

me: well it looks like ryan the matchmaker strikes again

ur daddy: sTFU Y/N

daddy brendon: lEAVE MY BABY ALONE

natural blue: but geoff you're cuter

geoff the wig: fuck you you're cuter

natural blue: ok damn

ukulele boy: could i please leave

pwussi boy dallon: no

ukulele boy: f i g h t  m e

drum boy: tYLER NO

ukulele boy: tYLER YES

lesbian lynn: nO

j(ho)enna mcdougall: eVERYONE CALM DOWN PLEASE


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