interview with xBeautyRisesx

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I interviewed xBeautyRisesx who writes amazing stories, I really liked her short story Baby Daddy (I think that's what it was, I read it a while ago, i'm sorry). But yeah check her out!

1. When did you start writing and what inspired you?

Well, I've been wrting for and past two years, and honestly @BelWatson be to right(:

2. Did you think you would be so popular on Wattpad?

I don't think I'm popular haha. I just have some followers. But no, I didn't think people would actually notice me out of so many people on this site.

3. Who is your favorite celebrity?

My favorite celebrity at the moment is Rachel McAdams! She is just so beautiful and is a lovely actress. She was in the Notebook and The Vow!

4. If you only had to eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

I'd eat this special salsa my mother makes me all the time. D E L I C I O U S.

5. Who is your favorite writer on Wattpad?

My favorite writer on wattpad is by far@BelWatson. She always finishes her stories, and executes them perfectly.

6. Who inspired you to start writing?

The boys sort of got me to write, which is weird, but yeah.

7. Favorite song/ quote?

My favorite song is definitely "Monster" by Rihanna and that rapping guy... currently forgetting his name so yeah! Haha! 

8. If you ever got the chance to meet one other celeb who would it be and why?

I'd love to meet Niall Horan. He just seems like one of those guys where you could talk for hours and it would never get boring.

9. Favorite book that you have ever read in your whole life?

My favorite book is called... urgggghhh.. I read it so long ago that I forgot! I think it was called "Shug" but I'm not sure. - sigh -

10. What genre of books do you like the best?

I really love writing fanfictions, but I'd rather read teenfictions.

11. What should a good story have?

A good story should have these 3 components:

- A unique plot

- Good looking cover

- Correct grammar and description when needed

12. What is the favorite book you wrote

Well, I'd say I'm having a blast writing "The Hulk Boy." It's just so different and really cool.

13. Do you put your personal life in your stories?

Nope! I come up with strictly unique characters and everything about them came from my head. No traits from myself. 

A/N: Are you proud of me? two chapters in a day! Comment and suggest more authors for me! 



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