interview with cheerbabi23

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A/N: She is the author of "Small Bump" as many of you know so here is the interview!!!

1. What inspires you to write?

What inspires me to write would be my readers. They are amazing and just knowing that they read and love my book a lot makes me feel good. & Also reading other books.

2. Your favorite book on wattpad is..

My favorite book on wattpad is Dorm Room 210. I like how different it is from any other book.

3. If you were a superhero who would you be?

I would be Captain America.

4.When you first came on Wattpad did you really think that you would get so many reads?

Not at all. I thought my friend was going to be the only one to read my book. hahah

5.What is your favorite female singer?

It would be Ellie Goulding. Her voice is amazing and I love her songs.

6.Who is your biggest inspiration?

My inspiration is Ellie Goulding. She's amazing all around.

7.If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

The girl who wrote Dorm Room 210. She's such a good writer.

8.What do you think makes a 'good story'?

What makes a good story is good grammar and good punctuation. If you write correctly than it makes people want to read it. if you use bad grammar like using 'ur' instead of 'your or you're' than people are not going to read it.

9.Do you ever get writers block?

No. I got writers block once and then got over it.

10.Any tips on how to get through writers block?

Just keep thinking of good ideas and brain storm.

11.Would you ever consider writing as a career?

It would be cool to be a writer, but I would rather major in Zoology.

12.Any advice for beginner writers?

Just make the story different and unique and have a steady plot and don't go all over the place and put ideas that don't belong in the stories plot

Could you all please help me come up with some new questions and also read my new book "Found" and tell me if you like it? It would mean a LOT to me!! Thanks!


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