interview with SarahLoveMoe

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So I interviewed @SarahLoveMoe because her story: You Saved Me is AMAZING!!! It is a must read on Wattpad you all must check it out, it isn't a fan fiction though. So check it out and tell her if you liked it!

1. What inspires you to write?

 Love inspires me to write. I love love so, I write about it. Also, the idea of being able to create things that don't exist inspires me to write because it makes me feel like I'm creating a new world that people can explore.

2. Your favorite book on wattpad is..

My favorite book on Wattpad is In 27 Days by HonorInTheRain.

3. If you were a superhero who would you be?

Batman! :D

4. When you first came on Wattpad did you really think that you would get so many reads?

Honestly, no. The first day I posted 'You Saved Me' I had ten reads and I thought that was the coolest thing ever and now I have 4000 reads and I am blown away :)

5. Your favorite book (not on Wattpad)? 

Call Me Crazy- Quinn Loftis

6. What is your favorite quote?

"I choose to live, not just endure, but to really live." -Quinn Loftis

7. What is your favorite female singer?

Taylor Swift, she writes a lot of her own songs and has an amazing voice.

8. Who is your biggest inspiration?

 My older sister is not only my inspiration in writing, but, also just in life in general. She has a boyfriend who she's desperately in love with and that really inspires me to write about love. But, she's just a very genuine person and my biggest inspiration.

9. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

 I consider Quinn Loftis sort of like a mentor for me. Her books taught me a lot about werewolves and they're probably some of my favorite books.

10. What do you think makes a 'good story'?

 A 'good story' is made through the author's dedication and hard work, an interesting plot, characters readers can relate to, and it needs to have correct grammar. 

11. Do you ever get writers block?

 Yes, I get writers block ALL THE TIME. It's awful!

12. Any tips on how to get thorugh writers block?

 To get through writer's block, go back to your inspiration or muse and remind yourself of what inspired you to write the story in the first place, take a step back, breath for a second, and try writing again until you're happy with the outcome.

13. Would you ever consider writing as a career?

I would absolutely love to be an author. It's a very hard field to get into and well known in. But, if the opportunity ever presented itself I would take it in a heartbeat.

14. Any advice for beginner writers?

 If your just starting out writing, keep writing. Ask people for their opinions, get constructive criticism. Keep writing. And always keep in mind that rejection isn't failure. Failure is when you allow rejection to defeat you, and success is when you take rejection as motivation and work harder.

A/N: So you all should read my story "Found" I just started it and I need some opinions(:


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