Victoria ducked her head from her covers to see who her guest was, "HELL NO! LEAVE!" She pointed her finger to the door.

Chloe just stood there. She put Victoria's shoe where the other shoe was, "Nope, I can't do that". She sat down on Victoria's couch and got comfortable.

Victoria groaned sitting up and face the other girl who was the cause to her relationship ending. "What *sniffles* do you want *sniffles*?" She went to grab a tissue from her tissue box and found the box empty. She started sobbing at the emptiness of the tissue box, just like the emptiness of her heart right now.

Chloe actually felt some type of sympathy for the girl. She decides to start a conversation "You look like shit"...Chloe regrets her words when Victoria starts crying even more. "I wonder how Rachel's plan is going" she mutters under her breath then sighs reaching over to Victoria and awkwardly pats her on the shoulder. 'Just kill me now'. She continued to pat the girl on the shoulder. "There, there" She says to the other girl. Silently hoping the gods would just strike her with lightning.

Meanwhile on Rachel's hangout...

"Rach! This is cool! I've never been here before" Max said excitedly. She was happy that Rachel asked her to hang out. She had taken Max to a retro type store, it had photography stuff and records and all sorts of things. Max had surprisingly not been there. She appreciated the gesture. It had almost gotten her mind off of a certain blonde.

"Sure no prob! I figured since we both love retro things and besides I haven't really hung out with you alone" Rachel smiles at the short brunette.

The pair looked around the store for twenty minutes before they decided what they wanted to buy. Max bought more film for her camera and Rachel got more records for her record player. They got lunch after that, this was the perfect time for Rachel to get Max to chat.

"Soooo, how's it going?" Rachel asked right off the bat biting into her food.

Max took a sip from her drink, "Umm good you?" She started idly messing with the napkin on her plate.

Rachel sighed "You know what I mean...I heard what happened". She reached over and grabbed Max's hands that had ripped napkins in them.

Max's eyes started tearing up, Rachel could see the tears hit the napkin. Rachel immediately regretted asking, she rushed over to the shorter brunette's side to hug her. "Damnit, come here Max it's going to be okay", Rachel comforted her friend not caring about the people passing by looking at them.

After comforting her friend for a while, she had an idea. "Hey, let's go to the beach...we can walk around and play in the sand", she whispers to Max sniffles and nodded. She gave the short brunette a halfhearted smile then got up and extended her hand smiling even wider when Max took her hand. Rachel led them to the beach where they ran around like children and built sand castles. Rachel was silently wondering how Chloe's plan was going.

Back at Victoria's room, after her multiple attempts to humor the other girl or at least to get her to stop crying...She finally got the girl to leave her room with the promise that they would go where Victoria wanted. They went to the mall, because nothing is better than a little retail therapy. Victoria pulls Chloe into one of her favorite stores saying "I'm going to give you a makeover Price". Chloe silently cursed herself for going along with what Rachel said. 'Maybe if I trip and fall hurting myself, then I won't have to go through with this'.

Victoria walks quickly to find some outfits that she thinks will look good on Chloe. She find some outfits for the blue haired girl to try on.

"Come on, Clover you have to try on these outfits" Victoria demands shoving the clothes in her arms and pushes her towards the dressing room.

Orange is the new gucci (in progress)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora