Celebrating the Dead (7)

Start from the beginning

"You look very dashing tonight," I said with a smile.

He took my face into his hands and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"You are the one who is breath-taking," he said.

I pulled him back into me with a smile and kissed his lips. His hands cradled my back and I caved into him. He let me go before anything went too far and took my hand into his.

"Dusk is drawing near, come," he said.

As we drew near the great hall, all that the eye could see were blonde haired men sitting at every wooden table. We stopped for a moment and made our way to the ale keg. Éomer poured us a drink and we made our way through the sea of men.

We made it to the front without slopping our drinks and I sat next to him and everyone watched as Éowyn made her way to Théoden with a golden mug. He took it in both of his hands and stood with it facing away from him.

As he stood, Aragorn was the first to stand. I stood next and the wave of men stood up behind and beside us, each with a mug in their hand and a solemn look on their faces.

"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood defending this country. Hail the victorious dead!" he said.

"Hail!" cheered everyone.

We raised our mugs and took a deep drink. I nearly spit the ale back up, but forced it down. It was strong, stronger than any ale I've ever had before. I took another small drink and let the flavor play across my taste buds.

As I closed my eyes, I could hear people moving around me and clanking their mugs on the tables. I opened my eyes and Aragorn was gone. I looked around and spotted him in the crowd, but I didn't want to bother him. We both needed this.

I made my way through the crowds and came upon Legolas and Gimli having a drink off. I watched them for a while, but my attention was turned towards Merry and Pippin dancing on top of a table.

I watched as they danced in circles with mugs in their hands. They began to sing a pub song that I recognized. I hummed along to it and heard a burp behind me. I turned around just as Gimli fell backwards out of his chair. I started to laugh as his eyes rolled back in his head as he passed out from drinking too much. I sloshed a little of my ale on myself and laughed even more. I downed my drink and walked over to Éomer.

"Got any more in there?" I asked.

He turned the tap and only but a drip came out.

"I'm sorry. I think they drank it all. Wait here. I'll get another keg," he said with a laugh.

I laughed as well and leaned against the table that the empty keg sat on. I looked around and saw Éowyn with Aragorn. She offered him a golden or silver mug, I couldn't tell from the lighting.

He took it in both hands and slowly drank it. I could tell she was smiling when he gave it back to her. She then slightly bowed her head and he walked off. Théoden came up behind her and whispered something to her.

Just as anger built up inside me, Éomer appeared with a full keg. Just as he set it down, I pulled the tab and filled my mug to the brim. I downed it in thirty seconds flat.

"You drink like a man," he said with a laugh.

I filled my mug again and downed it. At this point I was starting to tingle and feel warm inside. I was getting pretty close to being drunk. I filled my mug one last time, but did not take a drink immediately.

I heard Gandalf and Aragorn to my left. I turned in their direction and tried to listen in on their conversation, but my hearing was failing as I was rapidly getting more and more drunk.

My vision started to blur and I thought I downed my drink, but about half of it fell on the ground and my clothes. I tumbled backwards and was caught by someone. I turned around and locked eyes with Aragorn.

"Hello good looking!" I said.

"You're drunk. Let's go," he said sternly.

"I don't want to! I'm having fun!" I said through little burps.

"Let's go," he said again.

"Fine. Thanks for the ale Éomer!" I said with a smile as I set my mug down.

Aragorn held onto my arm as I leaned against him. I almost tripped over my own feet, so he stopped and picked me up.

"Woah there! Wine and dine me first!" I said with a laugh.

He looked straight ahead and said nothing. I let my head flop back and watched as the light faded and we approached the room we were staying in. He lightly pushed the door open and laid me down next to our stuff. Before he could walk away, I grabbed his ankle and he turned around. He got down on his knees and got ready to kiss my forehead, but I pulled him down to me and kissed him.

I was at the horny drunk stage now. He knew it as well and wanted to push me away so badly, but the temptation was there. He lingered for a moment and stood up. I punched his foot in anger and watched him grab it and dance on his other foot. Here comes the angry jealous drunk.

"She's better than me isn't she! You want to be her! Go be with her! Go fuck her and go fuck yourself! I can find someone better than you! If I can die and come back, I can leave you and do it again!" I yelled at him.

He set his injured foot back down and stared down at me as tears formed in his eyes. He turned around, left, and slammed the door behind him.

"Good riddance!" I yelled.

I rolled over and pulled the blanket over my head. I sat there and fumed until I felt vomit rapidly coming up my throat. I quickly got up and ran out the door that led outside. I leaned over the railing and threw up.

Once I was done, I had a clearer mind. I sunk down and sat with my back against the railing. I wiped my mouth and looked up at the stars. I remembered when I looked up there, looking for him and hoping he was searching for me too. I said something I didn't mean. I shouldn't have said it and now I probably just pushed him into the arms of another woman. I fucked up.

Tears welled in my eyes and I felt them roll down my cheeks. I kept looking up at the sky and cried. I heard someone enter the room, probably just as drunk as I was. I heard them plop down and start to snore. Then I heard more footsteps as more people began to pour in and fall asleep.

I didn't make a sound. I let my tears fall silently in my regretful drunken state. I heard the door silently shut and everyone fall asleep. I felt my eyes start to shut and I fell asleep with my head leaning against the railing.

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