Part - 2

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Hi Guys thank you so much for of your support and I'm happy you all like it and those who are confuse let me clear them that it's a swasan ff as I'm a biggest fan of them...ok so let's start....


Previous : Swara's death news....!!!


Part 2


2 years later

It has been two years since Swara is died and in these two years everything has changed

Sanskaar was totally drowned in his guilt that he is the reason behind Swara's death yes it was true that he wanted to separate SwaLak but what he didn't expect was  Swara's death news

As Sanskaar was not mad he accepts his reality in front of everyone...And in Sujhata's request Dp allow Sanskaar to live in MM....

He also wanted to accept that he was beind all the mess due to which Swara's did sucide but being a mother Sujhata stops Sanskaar from accepting all this giving her swear to him

As she was a mother she knows what her son was going through but at she also doesn't want to  loose his son so she give him her swear not to tell this truth to anyone

As on one side Sanskaar was battling with his iner turmoil......on the other side Ragini was enjoying her life with her so cold husband Laksh...yah right

After Swara's death news Maheswaries fix RagLak marriage and they both got married through Laksh still Loves Swara but he was trying to move in with Ragini

And Ragini being a Typical Indian girl was enjoying his so cold LOVE's company and impressing her In laws but it is always said that God never do injustice with anyone and that was same happens in Ragini's case

Yes you heard right she got her punishment and that was she can't become mother than she realise her mistakes but still being blind in Laksh's love she choose to remain quite....

So this was Maheswari Mansion story let's move further to Kali Badi


Kali Badi

As in Kali Badi now there was no fights because dida and Shomi left after Swara's death incident and no one knows where they are....

Dadi was paralysed and Shekar was irritated with her mother's turnaments as she always demand something every time and being irritated Shekar appoint a nurse but she also left after two to three months as she can't handle his mother

And at last he took a decision and left his mother in Rehab center
Parvati Gagodia being a tough lady didn't show much  emotions but it was true that she was now broken and was repenting on her deeds which she do which Shomi and Swara

She curse herself for hiding the truth from Shekar and making Ragini married with Laksh...yes you all heard right....Paravati knows everything about Ragini and Sanskaar but she didn't tell this to anyone as she also always wanted to throw those mother daughter out from Her house and Destiny itself do this.....

After getting Her love Her So cold Ladoo also didn't show up to meet her and than she realise how much difference there is in Swara and Ragini....

Ok so enough of this let's move to another city....



A big mansion is shown and we can see a girl sleeping with a silk pink duvet in her she was looking very cute....

Just than Sun rays peeks from window  and falls on her smooth silky skin making her move and hide her face with other pillow

Just than door of room opens and and an old lady comes in the room and started to wake the girl

Lady(shaking her) : Roshni wake Child....

She started to shake him but she didn't get up just a girl of 19 years old comes in and said....

Girl(keeps her both hands on her hips) : Granny she will not wake up like this call her with her name....

Lady(sternly) : I'm only calling her with her name...

Girl shook her head and goes towards the girl who was sleeping on bed and said

Girl(shook her) : Rosh Di wake up....

And the girl who was sleeping in bed wakes up and his face is shown guess who is she...well you will get to know soon....😜😜😜

Roshini(smiling) : Good Morning Granny Good morning Sanju....

Sanju(similar back) : Good morning siso....

The lady gets up from bed and said...

Lady(smiles) : now you both get ready and come down it's getting late for your work...

The lady is Savitri Singhaniya one of the business women in Singapore

Listening to work Roshini slap her hand on her for head and said

Rosh(hurridly) : oh no how can I forgot this today is my very important meeting I have to go bye....

Saying so she runs in washroom while lady Shook her head with amusement and Sanju giggles

After they left Roshini gets ready and goes down she just takes blessings and goes towards her office ....

AT Night

Roshini enters in SH tiredly and sat on sofa in lounge she was visibly looking tired and lost in her thoughts....

Just than she felt one hand in her shoulder she truns and find the. Savitri Devi standing there

Savitri(caress her hair lovely) : what happened Swara why are you so lost in your thoughts....????

Yes guys she is our Swara😍😍😍 how can you all think I'll kill my Heroin😜😜😜...ok stop either talks and let's continue....

Swara(calmly) : I'm going to India Granny...

Savitri(worried) : but why Swara why don't you wanna go everything ok....!!!

Swara(determined and angrily) : yes everything is ok....and now time has come to face my enemies....who ruin my character who snatched everything from me....I'll punish them in such way that they will remember my punishments till there death...!!!

Savitri(hesitate) : are you sure you want to go there...,

Swara(determined) : yes

Savitri(worried) : ok you go but....but how....

Swara(smiles) : relax Granny I'll deal with just be chill...

Savitri leaves from there

Swara(Monoluge and determined) : the revenge game has started Maheswaris and Gagodia's now it's pay back time....I'll show you who Swara Bose Aka Roshini Singaniya is....just wait and watch....!!!


Next : Storm in MM...!!!


Well here I'm ending this part I hope you will like give me your views through your lovely comments....!!!
And don't forget to vote...!!!

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