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Unbelievable....... I can't believe my life. It feels like he is revolving around my life. Anger started pulsing through my veins. I never wanted to see him again but hey! meet my life and now he is sitting right beside my best friend.

I hate my life..ugh.

My eyes wander to my best friend Olivia who's laughing with him. Then I notice something.....OMG.....this guy. He still has that torn piece of my top tucked in his backpack. I can notice the cloth peeking out of the zipper.

Suddenly, I can't see anything else. FUCK Olivia who has to come up with him. FUCK Scoops 'n' Smiles. FUCK my life and FUCK him. I snatch the ice cream glass from the nearby customer and started walking to him. The customer tries to protest but its too late and I empty the ice cream glass on Denim Parker's precious head.

Some things happen so fast that it's hard to remember. After 0.02 second of me emptying the ice cream glass over his head, he got recovered way too fast and now I am pinned to the wall with my front to the wall and my back against his chest. He has captured my hands at the back and yanked my hair hard. I won't be surprised if he broke my wrists. I try to get myself free but he tightens his grip on my wrists and my hair. He neared his mouth to my ear.

"You wanna play game,let's play. I will make sure that I make your living hell." His voice sounded more like venom to me.

Just as he tightens his grip even more there was a shrill voice. "STOP!!!" We look at the direction from where it came and stare at my friend Olivia. 

We are still in the same position as before. Me pinned to the wall and him caging me with his front to my back, my hair in his one hand,wrists in his other hand and his mouth close to my ear. I can feel the now melted ice cream dripping on my neck from his hair.

'What the HELL is wrong with you both?" She asks in rage.

I managed to take a look to register my surroundings and every single eye is staring at us with shock. Someone has also dropped his coffee mug on the floor.

He slowly backed away releasing his grip on my wrists and hair. I rubbed my wrists which were burning due to his tight grip. I looked at him. His blue eyes were dark with anger and hatred written all across his face as he studies mine.

"WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE WITH US?" I practically yelled at Olivia. Now regretting that I just yelled  at her.

She stared at me, her mouth hanging open.

"I should ask that question. WHY IN THE FUCKING HELL THIS MAD BITCH IS HERE?" Denim said. His voice lacing with anger. 

"You know I can destroy your family with just a single call,so,get her ass off here,Olivia." His voice changed into a threatening tone.

"Is he your new toyboy?" I ask Olivia while trying to control my anger.

"No,he isn't......umm....he's helping my family can say....financier." She said. 

I stare at her shocked. I hadn't  expected that a bit.

"I will tell you later what happened but please stop fighting first." I bet she is not liking what she is going to tell us.

"Tell her, she had to pay me respect or you know Olivia....." He smirked.

" had to pay him respect" She said desperately. 


"I'd rather kick him in the balls." I snapped.  I lunged forward and raised my leg to attack him where the sun doesn't shine, but before I could even kick him, I was tripped and sent flying down to the floor. Olivia quickly came by my side and made me straight on my feet. Before I could say anything, Olivia yelled "WILL YOU BOTH TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?"

Recovery Of Lost Ones #WriterOfTheMonthFeb2018 Where stories live. Discover now