Start from the beginning

It was just 4 minute ride to Wade mansion. I rang the doorbell and waited for the response. I hope Albert won't mind my visit at this hour I thought. 

"Greetings, Miss please come in. How may I help you?" I was startled by Albert's voice.

 I followed him to the library to find only that little boy James eating his ice cream, Looks like that arrogant Wade is not at home.

"Hi" I greeted the little boy.

 "Hello" he replied. 

" What is your name?" I asked.

 "You don't know?"   he questioned me. 

I laughed in response. This boy thinks he is famous? or may be he was referring to my last visit.

Albert did mention his name at that time, what was it? 




Damn, I was so furious to listen to him that time, all thanks to wade.

" I am sorry last time I did not get to introduce myself, I am Rachel" I replied with a gentle smile on my lips. 

" I am James Philip Timothy Wade " he said.

 "You mean you are Wade's son?" I asked.

Makes sense, he dresses just like him.

 " He adopted me , but he is too young to be my father" the kid replied.

 "Oh," I sarcastically replied.

Wade and adoption? that doesn't sound right.

Isn't he ruthless? 

I remember how this cold-hearted man  pushed me to ground on our first encounter knowing I am bleeding.

 "But I think you hate him, don't you?" james asked.

 " See Timmy boy, I don't hate him. It's just I don't like him in particular" I replied. 

"Would you like to have some hot chocolate Miss?" Albert asked interrupting my conversation with James.

 " Sure, chocolate will do" I said and placed my paper on the table and followed Albert towards the kitchen to discuss the matter.

 "Albert! I need your help." I said.

 "My pleasure Miss Rachel" he replied.

 "I have an intern application which requires a local emergency contact reference. It's just a formality. Can you sign that for me? please. I don't  bother you. I  promise." I replied.

"It's not at all a bother miss, I will be honored to sign" he said.

"That's  so kind of you Albert" I said. 

"Thank you so much, but don't inform anything to that Wade I mean Mr. wade" I requested. He nodded in agreement. 

We both made our way to library only to find Bruce grounding James and lecturing him about his grades by holding score reports which were decorated in F's.

Dude is a Billionaire and he is bothered that a 2nd grader scored F in Math?

Its not like Timothy James is broke and has to earn a job with his hardship for his survival.

Nothing, a good tutor can't fix. 

 In a  worry James spilled ice cream on the table. It was exactly the same place where I left my paper few minutes ago. I suddenly rushed towards the table in search of my application and went through the stacks of papers, scattering them here and there only to find a disaster. I found my application which was signed by Wade himself. 

"What are you doing here?" I heard Wade screaming at me. 

"You signed my application?" I furiously questioned.

 "You are bothered about your silly application, Rachel? " Wade said and turned his attention towards James 

"What are these grades James? " he questioned.

"My ice cream" James started crying. 

"My application" I said. 

"Answer me Jam" Wade shouted showing him the letter he got from school. 

"You sneaked out of the school again and your principal is not very happy about that" he continued.

We three were simultaneously shouting creating a havoc  only to be silenced by Albert.

"Stop! it" Albert cried.

 "Tell me sir, What exactly happened?" he asked Wade.

 "I checked my documents went upstairs to collect my pen. As I was signing, I found a strange thick paper in between and it was jam's report card. I am very disappointed that he started hiding things from me." Wade replied. 

"He was this close to getting expelled from the school. His principal called me today and mentioned how chaotic James is in the class. He even sneaked out of school couple of times. If not for our guards... What if something happens to him?" he continued.

It seemed like a genuine  concern.

"Mr Wade calm down, he is just a kid." Albert tried to calm him down

"My paper was on that table how did it got into the document stack?" I questioned noticing my paper. 

"I accidentally put it there" James confessed. 

"Crap! why in the world this should happen to me?" I murmured, as I cannot tolerate Wade signature on my form.

With a great difficulty I got this form from professor Harold, I can't let it go into ruins.

Not because of  him!

I was red in anger, it was all my fault. I shouldn't have gone there in the first place. Furiously, I left the place  after greeting Albert goodbye. Albert followed me down stairs and offered me a ride to home. I bluntly rejected and preferred my Duke. 

"Don't worry Albert nothing more than this disaster will occur" I said showing the paper and made my way to my place.


12:30 PM My BEDROOM:

It was a very disappointing day, after all I lost track of those men in black, secondly my intern application was signed by that Wade. I was checking my packed bags and was simultaneously messed up with these thoughts. All of a sudden I felt someone's presence in my room. My gaze shifted towards window, but there was no sign of anyone. I checked my text messages to find my cards reactivated. May be I was overthinking. I was very tired and  this Alaska trip can cheer my mood. 



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