Chapter 1.

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I dumped my cumbersome handbag on my front porch and slumped down onto the front step.
What a week, I thought, smoothing the invisible flyaways from my forehead. The sun was hot and radiant, and the drive from the city had been busy and hectic. The roads full of drivers trying to get back into the suburbs after the working week. A couple of kids rode past on bikes, ringing their bells to alert the non existent pedestrians. I closed my eyes briefly, taking in the last of the day's sun, hoping for an even more beautiful weekend.

'Hiii, hellooo', a voice said, interrupting my weekend weather thoughts. I opened my eyes fully and shielded them with my hand. A petite brunette was standing to the side of me, her locks tied in a ponytail and her tanned legs looking perfect in denim short shorts.
'Hiii,' I said warily, sitting up straighter on the step, bringing both hands up to shield my eyes.
'Hey, I' new neighbour, I...just, um, I just moved in next door', the female said shyly and I recognised an accent.  She was playing nervously with her hands, and then pointed and turned to the house next door.
'Ohhh, right', I said, with an awkward grin, and looked over to the neat cottage-type home. I wasn't sure what exactly to say, I was used to just coming and going and not really noticing who moved in or out or what was going on within the neighbourhood. My home was my retreat, I came here when I had time off, it was almost a holiday house for myself,  my city friends and colleagues and I'd never even spoken much to neighbours other than the occasional hello.
I smiled at the young woman, adjusted my hands and leaned forward, 'Sorry, I didn't even realise it', I pointed to her house, 'was up for sale. Sorry, I-' but I cut myself off, not wanting to admit to a stranger, well my new neighbour, that I wasn't home that often. I shrugged, grinned and then smiled with awkwardness.
The brunette, smiled back, and laughed a little, holding out her hand, 'I'm Sarah.'
'Kate,' I replied, shaking her hand. I stood up, dusting off the front of my pants, not that there was anything to brush off. I smiled again, Sarah stood looking towards the road, then back at me.
'So, it was great Kate', Sarah said, just as awkwardly as I knew I looked. I bit my lip, and then licked them, I let out an internal sigh.
'You want to come in Sarah? I mean...of course if you aren't busy,' I turned and pointed to my house, 'Um, so...uh..I don't have much but there's water in the tap and ice in the freezer'.
Sarah laughed and shook her head, letting out a chuckle, 'You just move in too?'
I laughed back, feeling a little more relaxed, I turned and walked up the front step, grabbing my heavy bag. I grabbed my keys from the front of my handbag, and turned back to Sarah, she was slowly following.
'No,' I responded in delay, 'I've just..been....away.'
Sarah nodded, 'Did you have a good time?'
She jogged up the steps, holding the screen door open behind me as I let us inside. I tossed the keys into a bowl I always kept on the table next to the door and walked over to my couch, putting down my bag.
'Oh, uh yeah, it was good,' I replied tightly, knowing I'd just told my new neighbour a lie within the first few minutes of meeting her. I looked around quickly, wondering if this girl recognised me or who I was in any of the photos I had dotted around in frames on various walls.
'Water? Ice?' I giggled at myself, as did Sarah and we walked over to the kitchen.
'Sure, thanks.' Sarah sat down on one of the tall stools I had at the countertop, as I busied myself in the kitchen, grabbing ice and filling the glasses with water. I handed the girl her glass and took a sip of my own. My mouth was unusually dry. Sarah took a small sip and licked her lips, I couldn't look away.
'Ohhh gosh, sorry!' Sarah suddenly said quickly, noticing my stare, 'oh you're probably buggered from your holiday! And here I am, all heyyy I'm your new neighbour!'
I laughed at her and took a quick swig of my beverage, I shook my head, 'Sorry Sarah, but it wasn't actually a vacation as such, I've been a work all week and at times it feels like I've been on a vacation, and so this place is like, coming home.' Sarah gave a big nod and smiled, it was cute. 'Ohhhh,' she said, 'makes sense.'
I looked away for a minute and raised an eyebrow toward the floor, then back to her, 'Australian! I said with a smile.
Sarah nodded, 'Ding! Ding!' she said with a laugh, 'Very good! I usually get British.'
I leaned on my elbows on the countertop, facing Sarah, our eyes met briefly and then the Australian leaned back and took a gulp from her glass.
'So, Kate..what do you do?'
I stared at my new neighbour, standing back up straight, putting my glass down on the bench top.
Sarah raised her eyebrows at me, smiling, awaiting my answer. I laughed at her, there was a sudden feeling of comfort that rushed through me, almost like a flurry of nerves. Do I tell her I'm an Emmy award winning actress and comedian. A Ghostbuster, a Hilary Clinton pant-suit wearing performer on Saturday Night Live? Or did Sarah realise who I was already?
I laughed at myself and the question, pausing to smile at the pretty woman staring back at me. I shook my head with a smile, looking down at the bench top and then up at Sarah, I laughed again,   'I can't remember the last time someone asked me 'What do you do?''

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