Thank god, they're quiet.

His bruised hands gently stroked the bandages over his eyes. He attempted to prise his eyes open but to no avail. He prayed it was because of the tight bandages that were secured with a metal clip at the back of his head that was making his headache worse. His fingers travelled down his cheek, more bandages but these ones were sticky and scattered over his face and neck.

"Min Yoongi?" A man in a white coat asked. He appeared to be in his late forties or fifties with his jet black hair greying at the edges and crow's feet appearing ever so slightly at the corners of his eyes.

Taehyung looked at the man with wide eyes, "Yes, is everything OK?" He asked, his voice trembling. Jungkook's hand interlocked with Taehyung's but he didn't move from the edge of his seat.

"I'm Dr Hwang, would you like your friends to be here while I talk to you?" He asked solemnly. Yoongi nodded.

Jungkook clutched Taehyung's hand so fiercely his fingertips turned white, "He's going to be OK, right?"

Dr Hwang took in a long deep breath and pursed his lips. He grabbed the nearest chair and sat down, his calloused hands fiddling with the clipboard. "Are you aware of the seriousness of your condition?" When Yoongi failed to reply a response he carried on, "Yoongi, I'm not sure if you can remember but you were in a very serious high-speed car accident."

Yoongi could only just remember what had happened.

The city lights.


A heavy bang.

Glass smashing.


"Yoongi! Are you alright?" Dr Hwang asked, pressing a few buttons on the heart rate monitor. He glanced at Yoongi's quickly rising and falling chest. "Today isn't a good day to tell you, I think it's too-."

"No. Please. Tell me now." Yoongi demanded, his clammy hands fiddling with the hem of the fraying hospital-issued blanket.

Dr Hwang glanced down at Jungkook and Taehyung who just gazed up at him, a glossy look in their eyes.

"Yoongi," He said slowly, painstakingly letting the words run off his tongue. "In the accident, there was a lot of smashed glass from both your vehicle and the other vehicle." Dr Hwang pursed his lips and look out the window, glad that Yoongi wasn't able to see the hollow look on his face. "The glass cut some parts of your face, neck and chest. Most of which I believe will heal fine, some of the facial lacerations will scar but that's okay. You also have some internal bleeding in your abdomen, but that's not why I'm here."

Yoongi could feel the rock solid tension the air, only making his heart race faster.

"Yoongi," Dr Hwang bowed his head ever so slightly. "the glass punctured and lacerated your eyes, causing severe damage. I'm afraid you're completely and irreversibly blind."

Jungkook stood suddenly, thrusting the chair backwards as he sprinted out of the cubicle. Yoongi's hands began to tremble, the sound of Taehyung shouting Jungkook's name down the hall soon drowned out. The only sound was a loud ring, a piercing high-pitched ringing in his ears. It was getting louder and louder and louder.

Bile churned violently in his stomach, his head was spinning. This was it. He was blind.


Unable to see.

Yoongi had never known a blind person in his life, sure he had seen the occasional blind person in the city but he had never personally known a blind person.

This is it. This was his life.

Complete and utter darkness.

He'd never be able to see the early morning light creep in through his fourteenth-floor apartment window, never be able to see the sunset dip below the towering city buildings. Never be able to see the stars on a clear night, waltzing in the dark blanket of the night sky. He would never get to see Jimin's smile or his laugh or his tears.


"I need Jimin." Yoongi stammered. "I need to see him, now."

"Yoongi, Jimin isn't able to see you right now." He said in an attempted soothing tone. "I cannot imagine how difficult this is for you right now but for your and Jimin's benefit, you two need to be cared for separately until you're both in a better condition-"

"No, please. I... I really need him now." Yoongi choked out a tearless sob. "I need to see Jimin."

Dr Hwang let out a defeated sigh and lifted his gaze to Taehyung who had burst back in.

Taehyung puffed, his cheeks hot while his slender fingers were icy cold. "Yoongi, I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with him-"

"It's okay, Taehyung. Just... please stay." Yoongi begged. If he couldn't be with Jimin, he at least wanted to be with one of his best friends.

Dr Hwang gave Taehyung and Yoongi a reassuring smile, "Family and friends are very important in a time like this." He cleared his throat and glanced at Taehyung. "Taehyung, may I speak to you outside briefly?"

Taehyung's eyes narrowed for a moment before he looked down at trembling Yoongi. "Okay." He mumbled. "Make it quick." Dr Hwang nodded and lead him outside, Taehyung's hand grazing ever so gently, an unspoken goodbye.

Yoongi couldn't hear what Dr Hwang and Taehyung were talking about but frankly, he didn't care. He could feel it, that same feeling he felt back then. The weight in his chest, the empty feeling that he couldn't shake it off. It wasn't quite there, but he could feel it beginning, lurking.

Luckily, Taehyung returned but without Dr Hwang. Yoongi could sense something was up when Taehyung sat down next to him silently.

"Taehyung?" Yoongi murmured. He couldn't see Taehyung's face but he knew, he felt something wrong.

Taehyung's hand reached under the white quilted hospital blanket, linking his slender fingers with Yoongi's cut and bruised ones. Yoongi could feel Taehyung's hand trembling intensely.

"Taehyung." Yoongi almost pleaded. "What's wrong?"

Taehyung took in a deep, shaky breath. "Yoongi, I-" he began, the words clogging in his throat as hot tears streamed down his flushed cheeks.

"Tae, are you crying? Is everything okay? Is it Jimin?" Yoongi asked, the last part sending a wave of nausea through his body.

"No, no, no. Jimin's fine." Taehyung said, barely above a whisper. "Yoongs?"

"Yes?" Yoongi's heart raced in his chest, Taehyung hadn't called him that in years. It was a special name he knew Taehyung only called him when he was serious.

"You know I am not good with words." Taehyung trembled, his left hand still in Yoongi's as he wiped his eyes on his navy jacket sleeve. "I'm not emotional like Jungkook or caring like Jimin... I know that."

Taehyung was struggling to push out each word like it was painful. "And I know that sometimes I avoid the hard parts by trying to make it funny or just change the subject. Fuck, I was arguing before with Jungkook because I was scared, I was scared about what was going to happen to you and Jimin and if you were okay and instead of talking about my feelings I acted like a dick. But Yoongi, this is really really serious and I want you to know that... We're all here for you and Jimin. You're not alone."

"Taehyung..." Yoongi began only to pause at the feeling of the hospital bed dipping down and a pair of long, comforting arms wrapping around him.

They laid like that for what seemed like forever, and Taehyung cried the tears that Yoongi couldn't.

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