"Lady's first" He said and opened the hotel door.

Then it hit me. Jason wasn't hiding his face. He is one of the most wanted criminals in the US, what if he get arrested?

"Jason" I said.

"Yeah" He said looking at me.

"What if they recognize you?" I asked. He chuckled and and intertwined our fingers.

"Don't worry. I come here often to take care of Business and the people here know better than calling the cops on me" Jason said and winked at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows as my thoughts started to run wild.

What business?

Why do he come here often?

What do people do in hotels?

I thought back to when Signe said that her, now, ex always had some business to do at hotels. She ended up finding him cheating on her. Apparently he was fucking different whores behind her back.


Is Jason a man whore?!

I made a weird squeaky noise and Jason turned towards me.

"Is everything okay?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah..." I said and trailed off in the end.

Is he still a virgin? Probably not.

By the time Jason had already got the key to our room number and we were in an elevator.

"Why are you so quite?" Jason suddenly asked.

"I am not" I defended. He laughed and the elevator doors opened.

"So how many clients have you fucke - i mean done business with here?" Shit. He luckily didn't notice.

"More than i can count to" he said and gave my hand a squeeze

"In the start they always plead for help, but it's not like I'm going to let them go that easily" He continued.

I widened my eyes.


"But why doesn't people help?" I asked still in shock.

"If you haven't noticed, there aren't really that much people here, so they can't here them screaming" He said blankly and kept walking.

I widened my eyes more - if that was even possible. I'm beyond disgusted right now.

"Ew Jason!" I said.

"What?" He said.

"Did i really have to know that were screaming?!" I asked disgusted.

"What do you mean? That's what they usually do" He said and looked at me as i was crazy.

I took a deep breath and fighted the urge to run away. I'm in a hotel with a freaking rapist and there is literally no one around.

We stopped in front of our hotel room and Jason turned around.

"I know this might be weird for you, but i want to make this special" he said taking my hands in his
"I know that we haven't seen each other in 4 years, but my feelings towards you haven't changed"

"What?... Were you-" I was cut of by Jason

"-In love? Yes. Remember the day when you leaved me?"

I looked down at our intertwined hands.

"Well i was going to ask you out but... you know" He said looking sad.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly looking back into his eyes.
We were still standing in front if the door, Jason didn't want to open it.

"What i wanted to say was, that if you still love me" he paused and my eyes widened.

"How do you know I loved you?!" I asked.
He started to smile.

"Did you expect me not to read your diary when you basically hided in front of me?"

I blushed and faced the other way.

"Just open the door" I said annoyed.

"Aye take it slow shawty" he said winking at me.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"What now?"

He ignored my attitude and unlocked the door.

"Before we go in, i want you to close your eyes"

I was confused but did as he told.
He held me by my waist and guarded me inside.

"Alright Baby girl now slowly open your eyes" He whispered in my ear.

I did as he told.

I was speechless.

The sight was beautiful.

"Do you like it?"

Hey guys! I love all of you readers but i would appreciate if you commented, just so I'm sure that it isn't only my friend reading this.

Well, hope you liked the chapter!

Much love,
~Biebersgirl3006 ♡

Old Friends - JM fanfic UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now