Ten minutes of pushing, and one baby girl was here, Ruth. A nurse cleaned her off and held her next to me while I prepared to push out her sister. Ruth settled as she touched cheeks with me and realized her mommy was there.

Five minute's rest was all I got before Jane was ready to make her way out. She only took one push before Dr. Turner swore she came shooting out like a pinball. Both of my girls were here, and they were placed on my chest, where they calmed down and stared at each other. It was the most precious thing in the world, they laid inches apart and had their little hands touching, the familiarity of each other and me enough to relax them.

After a while, they had to be taken to be measured and checked. I was moved to a new bed so I could go to a room in the maternity ward. Ruth and Jane were swaddled in blankets and handed to me, I had one in each arm as I laid and breathed deeply.

Killian POV:

It was beautiful. The girls were born screaming but stopped as soon as they had each other and their mother. They laid on Emma's chest and were content holding hands. She wasn't paying attention, but I managed to get a picture of it, I would have it framed later for her.

When they took her to her room to recover I followed closely behind. And upon arrival I offered to make the drive to Granny's as I had promised.

"Killian, thank you for offering, but we have two newborn babies, I think it's ideal that you stay here, at least until I can get up on my own." She replied.

"You're right, but you should eat something." I advised her.

We got the girls settled and I ran down to the hospital cafeteria to get us both a meal. When I got back, a nurse was there checking on Emma and the babies.

"Hi, I'm Marie, I'll be the nurse for your wife and daughters." She introduced herself to me. I greeted her promptly and unpacked the food I had brought. It was barely eleven in the morning, but considering neither of us had had breakfast, we ate a big meal for lunch.

Both of the babies seemed so calm and content, we hoped it would stay that way. So after a nap, we decided to have Regina bring the boys and let our friends and family know they could come and see us.

Henry absolutely adored both of his baby sisters and talked to them in a soothing manner as they laid in their bassinets and stared at him in wonder. Liam talked the best he could and kissed each one on the head, which made Emma cry.

One by one, people visited. First Mary Margaret and David. Mary Margaret was still pregnant at exactly forty weeks, but she wanted to stay and help for the day since Emma could not leave her bed for a while. David kissed his wife and promised to pick her up as soon as she was ready, but he didn't want Emma to feel crowded.

Then Ruby stopped in, she could not stop adoring them. After that, Liam and Elsa brought Emmett to see us. Being a bit older than Liam, he understood more and was excited to have two more cousins.

Anna visited but left her children with Kristoff, they were a bit rambunctious. Naturally, she talked on and on about how she could never accomplish giving birth to twins, which made Emma proud as a peacock.

That evening, Emma did confess that she wanted a grilled cheese and onion rings from Granny's. Of course I obliged, especially now that Mary Margaret was here to help. So I drove to pick up dinner for everyone.

Emma POV:

Food from my favorite restaurant had never tasted better. Ruth and Jane were amazing babies. They hardly cried, when they got hungry they sort of fussed but were otherwise peaceful. I prayed they would be this amazing at home, maybe I wouldn't be as exhausted as I thought.

Breastfeeding them was a challenge, but the nurse advised me that it always was with multiples and not to feel discouraged or guilty if I wasn't able to keep up, as long as they were healthy.

Not even an hour after we ate, Mary Margaret was about to call David to pick her up when she jolted.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Well, um, what does labor feel like, Emma?" She timidly asked.

"Like your belly is tightening, because it is." I answered.

Killian walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder and the other on her bump.

"Emma, it feels like yours did." He observed.

I hit the call button and asked for help. A few minutes later two nurses, besides Marie, came in and asked what was happening. Mary Margaret explained and they said they were taking her to the labor and delivery ward to have her checked out.

As she was walking out, Mary Margaret called David and asked him to meet here there and not to panic.

"Do you think it's going to happen?" I asked Killian, excited that Eva could be only hours apart from my daughters.

"I'm not sure, but how great would it be?" He seemed to read my mind.

Fifteen minutes later, David sent a text that confirmed his wife was in labor. It was a good thing she was already here.

Twelve hours later, Eva was born. Less than a day after Ruth and Jane. Our girls would all grow up together, with more family than I ever thought I would have in my lifetime.

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