I stayed in that postion for a moment when I remembered Veronica. I had seen her drop the things that Carla asked her to buy and took off running while we were still fighting. Raising my snout to the air, I quickly found her scent and took off running.

She was bending down catching her breath but when she saw me she took off running once again but that was a waste of time as I caught up to her within seconds. She backed up with her arms in the air in surrender. "I- I didn't do anything," she cried out. "It was all Carla. Please, you gotta believe me."

I gradually came back to my normal self. "I believe you," I told her. Her eyes widened when she saw who the werecat was. "How? I mean, Carla was planning to kill you right?"

"Yh she was," I said still coming closer but Veronica kept on backing up. "In fact, it was a proposal. You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ya know if Carla hadn't stopped me, you would have been reduced to mere threads. Even that time when you thought it good and well to spit in my face." I growled and I'm sure my eyes were that blazing red again as her eyes widened and she whimpered in fear. "That's the only reason why Carla sent you out. She knew that I was reaching my breaking point."

"You were a werecat all this time," she asked in a scared tone. "Then why did you treat Kyle like that?"

My eyes softened as her back hit a tree and I came to a standstill. "Are you really bringing Kyle into this?" I said sighing. "His father led the pack that killed my own. I got my revenge on his father and was planning revenge on the entire pack. Carla, my godmother, who had been banished from the pack appeared in my life once again and we plotted our revenge together but my friends stopped me at the last minute." 

"Carla is your godmother?!" Veronica asked in disbelief. Seriously?! Was she even listening to me at all?

"Anyways, I fell in love with Kyle, before I left the pack." That seemed to get her ultimate attention and I started walking up to her once again. I jumped at her but she sidestepped away from the tree in time. I turned to her, my eyes ablaze.

"You aren't normal," she felt the need to point out. I didn't say anything but lunged at her once again and this time pinned her down flat. I noticed her reaching into her pocket but I payed no mind as her life would soon be taken away. I bent down, my breath tickling her neck and her arm rose at the corner of my eye. "If I'm going down, you're coming with me. That way, Kyle wouldn't have a mate to be with."

I bent down and bit her neck, instantly ending her life while at the same time, a needle pierced my back and I could feel the contents starting to spread. I stood up one again and almost fell down. It was probably a poison. Wow. Am I going to be dying twice?

I stood still on my feet for a moment when my best friend made his way into my mind. I had to save him. Reaching around as best I could, I pulled the needle source out and looked at it. It was indeed a poison.

I looked towards the far away figures and started walking as quickly as possible to reach them. If I walked slowly, I may not make it, but if I walked quickly, the poison would spread faster. I would rather sacrifice myself for a friend than both of us dying together. I dragged along making it halfway. That's when Kyle came to my rescue.

"Miela! Are you ok?" Kyle asked worriedly. I tried moving faster but I was getting weaker and the vial of poison dropped out of my hand. Kyle's eyes immediately widened and he grabbed it then he looked toward me but I was still dragging my feet to reach Justin. "Stop moving, Miela. Are you trying to die again?"

It hurt to hear him say that but as it was for my friend, I brushed it off. "Justin, I need to get to Justin." He looked reluctant but picked me up bridal style and ran, careful not to jiggle me. I was set down near Justin as he opened his eyes.

"Mi-mi, what happened?!" Mari asked in horror at how weak I looked, the tears were still coming from her eyes. "Don't tell me...."

I ignored her and focused on Justin who was happy to see me. "You're alive," he breathed. "Glad I got to see you before-"

"You are not dying J," I immediately interrupted him and moved closer to his side. Wrapping my arms around him, I closed my eyes and took all his wounds onto myself while giving him some of my blood, then I fell unconscious.

Chapter update! Are you enjoying the story, my lovely readers?

Well... Miela is facing death yet again? What will happen next folks? Oh the suspense >-<

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