Chapter Eight: The Expedition

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The journey to Earth was fast, but it will still take a year and a half to get there. The team was getting ready to enter stasis when something caught their attention.

In the horizon, they saw something. Things, coming their way. As they come nearer, they realized that they are asteroids and comets. They needed to do something.

"Does this ship have any guns?"

"Yes. Five guns. They were built in case of emergencies like this."


They activated the guns.

"Fire them!"

They aimed at the asteroids and comets, then fired. But the guns were not enough. One almost hit the ship. Luckily....

Captain Dion used his telekinesis to break the large rock apart. The other Mel'Gorians also used their powers. Then, they were already far enough for the rocks to reach them.

"Why are there those many asteroids in that part of space?"

"I guess we passed the Idikian Plane which contains a lot of those rocks."


They were stopped by Captain Dion. "We should go to stasis now. It will still take a year and a half to reach our destination."

Something appeared in their detector.

"What is it?"


They looked at the horizon where the source from their detector is..

".....a black hole...devouring....a very large star."

"Why did our detector respond?" Captain Dion asked.

"The star is made up of......unobtainium."

There was a moment of silence. Then....

"We should be fast. We don't want to get caught up in that black hole. Set the ship to autopilot. Direct it to Earth. Set the guns to automatic once it detects anything out of the ordinary."

"Yes, Captain."

"Activate the android." Captain Dion said. "It will monitor our state."

Someone activated the android, then they all proceeded to the stasis chamber. They went to stasis.

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