:Omoriboy: Games

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(This is blog Omori, age 18-19)

"Man, this is hard..."

You said, fiddling with Omori's laptop. He let you play games on there. He didn't mind. He sat beside you, playing 'pokemon' on his Nintendo game boy. The game you were playing on the laptop was Tetris.

"I'm just about to give up on this..."

"Your 11th try?"

Omori asked. You nodded.

"Then why still try? Why not give up?"

"Why not keep trying?"

Omori stared at you for a second, before looking back down at his game boy. After a few more tries at Tetris, you decided to stop playing the game. Searching up games, you immediately closed the laptop when you accidentally looked at his history. It was no big deal, but still. It kinda made you feel embarrassed.


Scooting close to Omori, you watched as he played. Faintly feeling his breath in the air a little made you shiver.

"Wanna play? I have another game boy. And the same game."

Nodding, he handed you a game boy, inserting the pokemon game.

The two of you played, focusing on the screens. Silence was between you both, but not the game boys.

"Hey. Hey, Omori."

He looked up at you, the same blank look on his face.

"I found a missingo!"

You said with excitement, showing him your screen. He blinked, looking closer.

"That's nice."

He then returned to his screen. Slowly pulling your hand back, you awkwardly looked back down at the game.

'That reaction was quite...blank.'

You thought, sighing when you stretched your back. You turned off your game boy, laying on the floor.

"Omori. I'm bored."

"You could go if you want. You don't have to be here."

Shaking your head, he put his game boy down.

"We could play a different game. Together."

"What game?"

"How about hide and seek."

You gave him a long stare, the corner of your mouth twitching.

"Tag, then?"

"I'm sure we'll just be going back and forth."

"So, I guess something that doesn't need much movement."

"I don't kno- OOOH!"

You exclaimed, having a thought. He flinched slightly at the sudden tone. Snapping your finger, you sat yourself up.

"Four corners!"

"Could you even tell where the corners are in here?"

Standing up, you picked up his laptop, blanket, tissue, and knife.

'Actually, no. Not a knife, his cat!'

The cat meowed, climbing up and onto your head.

'Okay, a game boy will have to do...'

With the four items, you placed each one far away, acting as a corner. Making sure the room was square.

"Got it! This will work. Now I'll go to the middle, and you go to a corner. If I say a corner your in, it's then your turn."

Nodding, you then closed your eyes and starting spinning at a neutral pace.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

You could hear very faint steps of Omori. But you couldn't tell which direction.

"Six, seven, eight..."

It sounded like he stopped moving, but with you spinning around while counting didn't help point where he stopped.

"Nine, ten!"

Stopping, you waited for a second, trying to hear the room. Man, Omori was pretty silent.

"I pick the laptop corner."

Opening your eyes, he wasn't there. He was at the game boy corner.

"Okay. Now I'll go again."

You did the same thing again, picking a different corner. He wasn't there either. Then you did it another time. This time you got him.

"So it's my turn now..."

Nodding in agreement, he then walked towards you. Closing his eyes, he counted while spinning at a slow pace. You quickly but quietly ran to a corner, trying to contain your laughter. This seemed fun.


He said aloud. Standing at the blanket corner, you waited.


He simply said, opening his eyes. Your jaw dropped.

"Man...you got me on your first try."

"I could go again."

He said. Shaking your head, he insisted.

"Okay, okay."

He then counted again.

'Which corner, which corner...'

But your thought went about Omori. You watched as he spun and counted with his eyes closed. An idea went to your head, slowly walking to him.

"Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten."

Before he could open his eyes, you leaned forward, softly brushing your lips against his. His eyes snapped open, staring at your closed ones. Pulling away, he was blushing.

"What was that for?"

"Sorry, couldn't help it."

Omori stayed silent for a moment. A sudden smile then appeared on his lips. Pulling your waist, he kissed you passionately. Tilting his head to deepen the kiss, it went on for a while. It felt like eternity. But he then pulled away, staring down at you with a certain look.


"How about we play another game?"

He asked, playing with the end of your shirt.

"Uh...w-what game?"

You asked, face turning red.

"I don't know the name, but I do know how to teach you to play."

"Oh god-"

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