The Demon and The Fairy

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"So what are you looking for in a relationship?" The Forest troll asked me as he sipped his unicorn ale. I sighed as he did this because I knew he was drinking to get drunk and get the balls to ask me for sex and also that I was never going to be able to get drunk because I am a river fairy and we have a high tolerance for alcohol.

The troll in front of me was somewhat attractive. I had met him on Trigger, the supernatural Version of tinder, and let's say his pictures did him a lot more justice than in real life. He was shorter than me at 5"5, his green skin was covered in bumps unlike his photos, and his hair was greasy unlike his photos. I didn't even mind the tusk coming from his bottom lips it was more of the fact that he had blatantly lied to get here.

"I am looking for a relationship," I finally answered as I played with the umbrella in the volcano drink he had bought me. He had been awestruck since the moment I flew in. I was wearing tight, ass hugging dark jeans, a see through light blue shirt that you could see my water tattoos through, and my big blue wings were freshly covered in fairy dust. My hair matched the color of my tattoos in a bright, neon blue, my eyes were white with a blue ring around the iris to make it contrast, and my lips were covered in sparkly lip gloss.

I had tried.

He had not.

The troll tried to grab my hand but I pulled away finally getting tired of being stared at by the perverted man. I floated out of my chair and set down coins as he looked up at me in awe again. "This has been nice but we obviously want two different things," I said with a sigh and left before the troll could be angered. It was not a pretty sight.

I shrank down to my true size just a little over 5 inches and began my quick journey home. I lived in a cave built right beside a lake in a very dense forest. Supernatural creatures came from the fifth dimension and most of us stayed here because it was easier than being caught out in the second Dimension where humans lived. The first  dimension was plain beautiful and was covered in half animal- half human creatures who took care of their world. The third and the forth were for angels and demons because heaven and hell were just two different realms unlike what most people thought. We all tried to stay in our own lands for good reason.

We never got along.

Angels hated fairies because we are very similar. We had wings. We had healing natures but our fairy's powers were derived from nature they were just given them and told to be safe. There god was a true believer in his kids.

Demons hated angels because their god was a fallen angel who was kicked out because of God himself. Demons hate everyone actually. They bounce from Realm to Realm killing all creatures for their own sick pleasure and no matter how hard we tried to keep them out, they found a way in.

First Dimension half bloods always just kept to themselves so no one could hate them. And humans? They're just dumb.

I finally made it home and slipped into my cave. I grew to my human height and hovered over the water in a Indian style sitting. I looked down at my reflection trying to understand after two thousand years, I still could not find a man I liked.

I was beautiful I knew that so my problem was never them liking me. It was always time hating them. Water fairies were known for their ability to love all creatures and to fall in love very easily and yet I had never felt this. I always tried to love but my thoughts would cloud and I would always run out.

Trolls especially repulsed me.

I began to spin over the water, using my wings to lift myself up, and began to lift the water up feeling it come from my blood itself  and put reach so the water danced above me.

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