Falling for the Nerd

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"Ricky, I told you I'll be there in an hour," I groaned into the phone as I pulled my bag up my shoulder. Ricky, my boyfriend, huffed into the phone like he always did. I rolled my eyes knowing he was probably around his Gang members and he was acting up because of it.

"I wanted you here an hour ago, Rogue," he snapped. I heard Trent, Alex, and Chase all laugh because they knew where snapping at me got him.

"I will snap your dick in half if you ever raise your voice at me like that again, Richard." I hung up before he could answer and hopped on my motorcycle. I had been at work all day at a bakery called Rainbow Sprinkles, owned by the very fabulous Andrew Winston, a town over. Ricky was always pestering me for working so far away but the small town was so cute and welcoming that I never wanted to leave it. It was nothing like the big city where we lived, where everyone knew I was the boyfriend of Richard X, the second in command of the gang Bad Luck.

I loved Ricky but those knowing looks made it hard for a guy like me to get around. Cops always followed me around and people of all sorts avoided me. I was rough around the edges myself but Bad Luck was the top drug-selling gang in all of Dallas. Everyone knew that.

I pulled up to Trent's place who was the leader of the gang and hopped off my motorcycle. There were all the usual cars but one small, black chevy truck caught my attention. None of the guys drove trucks just for the sake of having muscle cars. They thought trucks were too obvious to transfer the drugs around town.

I stayed looking at the truck as I walked up the stairs and suddenly jumped when my back collided with a buff chest. I spun around and went to punch but was immediately stopped by Ricky slamming my back against the door.

"Someone is jumpy," he slurred. I took a much-needed breath and then glared at him. His usual beautiful, black hair was a mess on top of his head, his green eyes were glossed over, and right beside his plump lips was a stain of lipstick.


I pushed him away. "Ricky, are there girls in there again?" I growled as I pointed toward the door.

He laughed. "Come on, baby. We're just having fun," he said before leaning in to kiss me. I pushed him away and walked into the door finding all the usual guys there plus the whores they always hired to keep them company. I found Ashley Cash, as known as the hoe has been trying to steal my boyfriend from me for months, and glared at the shade of pink on her lips.

"Baby," Ricky slurred behind me but I ignored him and stormed into the kitchen. Trent watched me and giggled as he looked back at Ricky.

"Your bitch is mad again!" He laughed. I stopped in my tracks and yanked my small hunting knife out of my jeans and held it to his throat, ignoring the whores in his lap.

"What was that, Trent?" I sneered. His brown eyes grew wide but before I could do real damage, Ricky grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen. I followed but knew my pale skin was flaming.

I crossed my arms over my chest and watched my drunk boyfriend. He was stumbling all around the kitchen with his shirt undone and his pants falling low on his hips. Usually, I would be melting but nights like these I wanted to kill him. I knew he was a cheater. Everyone did. He wouldn't hide it for me or for anyone, he was felt like he could do what he wanted when he was second in command.

"Ricky, I am tired of coming here and finding you drunk off your ass and basically fucking whores!" I snapped. He looked worried knowing I was not a force to be reckoned with. I might be small and pale but I was not fragile. My delicate features, soft black curly hair, and doe blue eyes would give anyone that falsehood but I would rip anyone apart if need be.

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