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So it seems I still have a few ideas left for this fic; thank you for your lovely replies, they make me want to keep writing and writing :) hope you enjoy this next update. Love Kendal-rose xx

His heart was in his mouth as he pulled up at the hospital a week later to see the building surrounding by flames, the flashing lights from the fire engines lighting up the sky.

"What are you doing to me Connie?" He cursed, "not again,"

"Don't tell me..." He begun, and Jac took his arm, "she went to do a theatre Consult... She wasn't operating but..."

"The firemen have gone into get her..."

One of the porters managed to stop Jacob, before a fireman placed a hand on his arm, "we will get her out... The fire is under control... Don't you go in there and put more of my men in jeopardy..."

"But... My wife... She's pregnant..."

He nodded, "they know where she is, they know the escape route, come with me... You can be the first person she sees when she comes out okay?"

Jacob sighed reluctantly, "okay,"

Mr. Cullen placed a gentle hand on her arm, "we can go out the back..."

"Nick... My waters have just broken," she uttered, bending over double as a contraction tore through her,

"Connie... I'm going to lift you..."

"I can't move... Just go... I'll follow you..."

"Don't be ridiculous..." He yelled, nodding at the firemen who ran through, "we need to move now..."

"She's having contractions..." Mr. Cullen told them, "take the patient... I'll take her..."

He managed to lift her, following the firemen through the fire escape and moving slowly down the stairs,

Jacob ran over as he saw the firemen coming out, followed closely by Connie and Nick,

"Jacob, get a stretcher... Find an ambulance without people in it..."

"Over here..." Jacob uttered, jumping up and receiving his wife who buried her head into his chest,

"How did I know you'd be where the trouble was," he smiled fondly, reaching over for a wipe and cleaning her face,

"We don't have time to transfer to another hospital... Close the doors... And get me a damn midwife..." Mr Cullen yelled,

"Duffy..." Connie uttered as her old friend and colleague appeared,

"We were supposed to be a surprise..."

"You're a wonderful surprise," Connie uttered, before screaming as her contractions came again,

"There's no time for pain relief... I can see her head, can someone grab some gas and air?" She yelled out of the ambulance,

By the time their colleague had returned Connie was sat up, cradling her newly born daughter in her arms,

"I told you we'd have another girl," she smiled softly, as Jacob kissed her forehead,

Mr.Cullen watched as Connie gripped her stomach, and he lay her back flat, passing Jacob their daughter and telling the ambulance to hurry up, "it looks like you have a bleed Connie," he told her, "stay awake for us, we're nearly there."

It was another two hours before she came out of theatre and recovery. Jacob was asleep by her bedside,

"Don't wake him," she smiled, "I'm okay,"

Mr. Cullen nodded, "how are you feeling?"

"Like I've had too much pain relief," she admitted, before smiling at him and resting her head back against the pillow,

"Thank you Nick," Connie smiled gently,

He rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry I asked you to consult..."

"No... If you hadn't I still would have been on a higher floor in the HR offices..."

Jacob opened his eyes and took her hand,

"I don't think your destined for a normal, hospital ward birth sweetcheeks,"

She squeezed his hand before closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep.

"How are they?" Nick asked a few hours later as he handed Jacob a cup of tea,

"Both healthy and fast asleep... Look I... Can't thank you enough... For all you've done for us..."

Nick smiled, "it's good having the two of you in my team, don't mention it..."

"No... I mean it, you delivered Mia in resus, you pulled Connie out of a burning building... And I know she appreciates all the support you gave her on her phased return to work and after maternity leave... If there's anything we can do for you, don't hesitate in telling me,"

"You just look after your family," he smiled, "you have a great wife and two gorgeous girls... Make sure you don't let work take over like I've done on too many occasions."

"Hi sweetheart," he smiled, slipping into the bed behind her, watching as she turned and curled into him,

"I'm sorry... For always making you worry," she told him,

He smiled, running his hand through her dark hair, "you've just delivered our baby girl in the back of an ambulance...without pain relief... You don't need to be sorry."

"You amaze me, every single day," he told her, "I don't tell you that enough."

"I can't wait to get home," she told him and he kissed her forehead,

"You need to rest Con... I thought I was close to losing you today..."

She ran her hand over his face, "I'm okay,"

He nodded, "I know... I haven't felt fear like that since your accident... Do me a favour and take it easy... For me..."

"I'd do anything for you, you know that don't you?" She yawned and he smiled,

"Go to sleep,"

"Will you stay?"

He held her more tightly and kissed her neck gently, "for my favourite girl... Always,"

Three weeks later his paternity leave had finishedl; he came home to see Connie in the kitchen, Rolo sat beside her, Mia sat at the kitchen table drawing and Sophie fast asleep in the bouncer next to Rolo.

"How are my four favourite girls?" He asked, picking up Mia, before kissing Sophie's forehead as she slept. He patted the dog before, slipping an arm around Connie's waist and kissing her mouth.

He raised an eyebrow and she nudged him, "what... Mia was sick from too many sweets at nursery, and Sophie's baby food ended up all over my top,"

"I was just thinking that my shirt looks great on you," he smiled, "and if we weren't surrounded by children id be lifting you up against that work surface,"

She laughed, "if only,"

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