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They had spent the last few hours going round in circles. She had attended a clinic appointment and upon hearing the difficulties she was having with her prosthesis the Consultant had offered her another operation to fit an interosseous prosthesis. She had jumped at the chance, whilst Jacob remained dead set against it. She wasn't used to them disagreeing and the more he did, the more upset she could feel herself becoming.

He sighed and stood up, walking over to the window and exhaling loudly,

"Talk to me," she told him, "tell me why you're being so difficult,"

"You really want me to answer that?" He snapped and she raised an eyebrow, "yes... Because you don't know how having this prosthesis on my leg feels... You don't know what it's like to have to think about every single step I take Jacob..."

He turned around, "because I had to watch them cut you out of the car Connie... I thought that you were dead... I thought that I would lose you..." He was flickering between upset and anger and she hadn't seen him like this before,

"My heart broke again when you didn't remember me... And then you had an amputation and I... I had to face the prospect of losing you all over again,"


"I just need to think..."

She looked up at him, "I've made up my mind... I'm going ahead with it..." She told him, "I'm sorry if it's not what you want... But it's my body and My leg and I want to be part of this trial,"

He looked at her and grabbed his coat, before storming from the house. He attempted to take Rolo with him and sighed as the dog wandered over to Connie.

He let himself in late that night and decided against waking her, until he heard her sobbing upstairs. He jogged up the stairs and watched as she lay in bed sobbing quietly, Rolo laying on the floor protectively beside her.

He took off his clothes and slipped into the bed beside her, cuddling her to him and running his hand down her back,

"Shhhhh... It's okay.... I've got you, I'm sorry,"

She curled into him and slipped her arm under his own as she sobbed, "I'm sorry, I was selfish... But I..."

"You don't need to explain..."

"I do..." She told him, getting up and putting on her leg, before allowing him to lead her downstairs.

He watched as she took off her prosthesis, "I haven't been truthful with you," she told him, "this prosthesis is uncomfortable... I have to force myself to run and I love running... Spending hours on my feet is painful and sometimes I think about just taking it off and using crutches instead... The consultant offered me the ITAP procedure as part of the trial.. He said the prosthesis I have is the best they can offer and I just..."

She shook her head, "sometimes the pain isn't there and other times it's unbearable... I need to try this Jacob..."

He leaned forward and took her hand, "I had no idea..."

"I'm sick of complaining about pain and about the accident... I thought if I ignored it it would be okay..."

He fell silent and ran his hand through her hair, "if it's what you want... I'll support you... I'm sorry for being so difficult... I love you... Too much at times I think..."

She leaned against his chest and he kissed her forehead,

"Let's go to bed sweetheart... We can talk tomorrow," he slipped his hands under her knees as she looped her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry I walked out,"

She shook her head, "I'm sorry I'm hurting you."

They cuddled up closely that night, she wasn't used to fighting with him and she was glad he'd come home.

"Go to sleep," he told her gently as his hands ran through her hair,

"I was about to say the same to you," she replied and he rolled his eyes, turning on the television and picking an old black and white film. She got up and returned with two cups of tea and he smiled as he knew she'd be asleep before she'd drunk half of it.

"I didn't mean to upset you," he told her gently,

"I hate fighting with you,"

He stroked her hair, "we will always make up again I promise,"

She fell asleep in his arms, his arms holding her tightly as he struggled to sleep. He knew why she wanted this operation, but the Unknown worried him and he knew how frustrated she'd be during the rehab process. He smiled as he watched her, he wasn't going to win this one and the more he thought about it she was right. He vowed then to look after her forever. 

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