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In then out.... In then out.... In then out. Gun fire, screaming, panic, where's fifty? In a matter of seconds, the restaurant has turn into chaos, the women who has a gun pointed at her is sobbing, her husband is screaming. Where is Christian and Taylor? I look around trying to understand what is going on, I'm in the back corner, how the hell did I get back here? I have my purse and Taylors phone in my hand, why did he give it to me? Damn it think Ana think! I take a deep breath just like how I was taught in birthing class, I pull out the phone and dial 911. From my vantage point I can see what's happening but no one can see me, Taylor shoved me behind the decorative stack of old barrels, looking around I try to spot Christian, he said he was going to go behind. behind what, why did he leave me.

"911 what is your emergency" I'm jerked back to present time

"Hi my name is Anastasia Grey. I'm at the Greg's fish house, two men with a gun just walked in...they have a woman...please hurry" I try to stay calm, isn't that what Taylor said that I needed to do?

"Alright Mrs. Grey officers are on the way; I am going to stay on the line, has anyone been injured." I calm down this feels better; I have a task that I need to focus on "No not yet, but they have someone at gun point." I look around trying desperately to see a familiar face, then stop, Taylor has a gun pointed at the guy holding the women, he's speaking calmly trying to coax her from his arms. Looking to my left I spot Christian, he's blocking the view so he's in plain sight but they won't see how convenient this hiding spot would be. Christians hand is moving making a sweeping gesture, almost like he's trying to tell someone to come here. When I look to the table that's close to Christian I see a young mother and her little girl staring desperately at Christian. He's trying to hide them, to bring them over here, looking at them I step out of my hiding spot and bend down silently, opening my arms I mouth "it's okay" the mother kisses her baby's head then sets her down. On wobbly legs the small girl with the pig tails runs for me and I quickly scoop her up. Depositing her behind me I motion for the mother to do the same, I step out of the way then let her run for her baby.

10 seconds, that's how long it took for me to move out of the way for the mother to come and for the second ski mask to notice me.

"mm ain't you a tasty little treat" the slime ball hisses. Looking to where Christian is I see him step in front of me. The man looks Christian up and down "Mmm Mr. Grey, we've heard about you, the boss tells us some interesting stories." This catches our attention, the boss? Who is this man and why does he recognize Christian? Christian looks him up then down "Tell me about this boss" Christian says calmly, too calmly, the sound of his voice Is deadly. "Let's just say we've done business with your wife before." Ice cold water floods my veins and I can't breathe "And you're the son of a bitch that put our boss behind bars" The man smiles at Christian... Actually smiles at him, I feel light headed, this isn't real, who are these people. The anger is radiating off of Christian, somewhere in the distant I hear a gun fire, but right now all I see is Christians arm pull back and smack right into this man's jaw. Caught off guard the man stumbles back which gives Christian enough time to grab him by the shirt and slam him against the window. Then Christians fist goes out of nowhere hitting him in the jaw, the throat, the nose. I want to cover my eyes because of the violence but I can't...Christian. Looking to my right I see the man with a gun, Taylor's gun is still pointed at him but the women isn't there...where did she go? In an instant I see the man notice Christian and his partner fighting. I see him turn away for a second from Taylor...I see him raise the gun and aim at fifty.... then I see red. Running at a speed I thought was only meant for cheetahs I slam my body into Christians, praying that he will be okay.

Pain...blinding pain. I try to breath but it hurts, why does it hurt so much. I hear Christian screaming, he's saying to keep my eyes open, are they not open? I hear sirens, a man runs over to me with a stretcher, I try to ask for Christian but I can't tell if it goes out audible. My eyes are tired and the pain is too much, I close my eyes, just for a minute then we will be home... just for a minute. 

Fifty shades of....fearUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum