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I'm curled up on my side fast asleep when I feel the bed dip next to me. I was in the middle of a wonderful dream where I was in a huge library and there was nothing but some books covering him, one books slips away and I see his I said it was a good dream. The feeling of strong arms pull me away from dreamland and into the muscular chest that is all Christian "mmm" I groan. I hear Christians soft laugh as he kisses my ear "go back to sleep I didn't mean to wake you...and feel free to call out my name again" Christian teases me, but the doctor said no sex for 6 weeks after pushing out phoebe. Six weeks but here's Christian who likes to be a tease and wear nothing to bed. Maneuvering so I am now facing him I look up into smoky grey eyes "hi" I whisper rubbing his cheeks. His eyes look tired...he looks tired. I know it's been hard now having a two year old and a one month old. I want to help Christian more but he's as stubborn as ever. "What were you doing?" I ask as he closes one eye "I just gave phoebe a bottle then wanted to read to teddy " he yawns. My brow raises "okay but it's 2 in the morning?" I glance over at his bedside clock, teddy bedtime was the same every night 8pm, and phoebe was put to bed soon after.  "and I may of had some emails to take care of. " There it is, my workaholic fifty can't even take Saturday off, this is why he's been getting little to no sleep. Between being super dad and running GEH he's going to burn out. I push up and gently kiss his lips then frown "these next 6 weeks can't go fast enough"'I giggle wiggling closer to him. I kiss his nose then gently rub his head like I know he loves. Christian chuckles but his eyes are drifting and I know he needs these precious hours to rest. I kiss his head then put my head where his neck and shoulder meet. Are breathing slows and we fall asleep.
I wake up early the next day and slip out of our room not wanting to disturb what little sleep my husband was getting. I walk into Teddys room and don't see him, I quickly run into Phoebe room and she isn't there. Panic I run downstairs but come to a stop seeing Taylor and Gale sitting with them in the living room. "Good morning Mrs Grey, we wanted you and Mr Grey to be able to sleep in" Taylor says in that deep voice of his. "Mmaba mmmaba!" Teddy squeals as he holds his stuffed helicopter Christian got him to look like Charlie Tango. I hurry over to my baby boy and lift him up kissing his copper hair "oh hello handsome " I hand him back to gale and pad into the kitchen. Grabbing our le creuset kettle I put it under the facet and fill it up. I yawn rubbing my eyes as I put the stove on then walk back to the living room and lift up phoebe. "Oh hello baby girl" I stare at her and get teary eyed. She's beautiful and perfect...maybe I'm bias but I do believe my babies are the most perfect babies. Her eyes are starting to turn blue and I can tell they will be stunning. What little hair my girl has is coming in a beautiful red. I rock her in my arms then lift up my shirt to have her latch on. Taylor clears his throat then stands up "I am going to head into the garage to work on my engine " I chuckle as phoebe latches on. "Wow little girl you got yourself a strong latch". This is what I love, these quiet moments when it's me and my family, I am thankfully everyday that I walked into GeH that one stormy day.
When I hear the kettle go off Gale jumps up and makes my tea just how I like it. Weak and black, yum. Gale comes back and sets my tea down and holds out a piece of paper "Mrs do you know who's number this is? They called several times while you and Mr Grey were out." My blood runs cold and I feel as if my whole body is numb "yes.....yes I know that number" I whisper.

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