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  My head was pounding, and my heart was throbbing with uneasiness. Max had been saying reassuring thoughts but all of them had been going through my head, and out the other ear.

"Where's Nicole?" I finally managed croaking out as we were walking along the dirt roads. We had ditched the horse, the animal too tired to continue. I hung my head low, trying to disappear from the hot sun, and failing miserably.

"I—I don't know." Max said numbly, reaching for my hand. I gladly accepted it, his hand like an anchor. Pulling me back down to earth, and giving me the effort to keep going. We continued on in silence, both of us wishing we could be in the nice air conditioning back at the house.

Continuing along the dirt road, I finally had to stop. Sweat trickled down my back, and there wasn't any shade around to cool off.  I panted heavily, glaring at my surroundings. There wasn't anywhere to go, unless you wanted to go straight. Or backwards. That wasn't an option though. The heat was beginning to give me a headache. I didn't know how much longer I could keep walking. Why was it taking so long to get to town? It seemed like forever ago we were just in the trailer, driving down this same empty road.

Max was leaning forward  on his knees, his shoulders heaving when I looked ahead, spotting a pile of clothes on the side of the road. I slowly began walking towards it, watching the pile of clothes begin to shape into that of a person.

I slowly jogged towards it, my heart fluttering nervously. Something was terribly wrong, and I feared the worse. And I was right.

"Oh my god.." I whispered out, dropping to my knees on the rough ground. Blood was pooled around her forehead, drying in the heat. Her eyes held her last moment of fear, her body crumpled in a violent way.

"Nicole.." I choked out, running my hand down her clammy face. She was cold to the touch. I cupped my hands over my mouth, a sob echoing through the air. Max was beside me in a second, grabbing me into his arms.

"Shhh...come here. She's in a better place now." He whispered as my entire body shook with sobs.

Nicole was dead.

  I didn't want to leave her body, but Max was persistent.

  "Summer, lets go! We're never going to make it back to town. We can come back for the body later." He stated, yanking on my arm. His voice held no emotion besides anxiety and impatience. What was his deal?

   I ignored him, continuing to stare at Nicole's still form. Her skin was pale, the blood falling from her head staining the road. Her eyes were open staring blankly into the summer air. What happened to her? Who did this?I reached a hand out slowly, closing her eyes before I leaned back. She was dead. How did I let this happen? How did I make a promise—a promise that meant everything—and then break it so easily?

   "Summer we need to go, unless you want Paisley meeting this same fate. You don't want that, do you?!" He yelled yanking me to my feet. Was he trying to guilt trip me?I slowly gazed up at him, glaring at the anger in his eyes.

   "Go to hell. Just go back to the house. I can find town on my own. I don't need you anymore!" I screamed back before turning on my heel, and sprinting down the road. I didn't feel bad about it at all.

   I didn't hear him after that.

I finally updated guys. And it was pretty crappy. And short. i'm sorry :(

Um so yeah, thoughts? I promise the next update won't take forever to come out, and it will be longer. i'm so sorry about the long wait everyone, and i'm extra sorry if there's any grammar mistakes or if it's super choppy. i didn't mean for it to be that way.

anyone else on summer break? i am! so now i don't have any reason to not update, so the extra update will be out later in the week. promise!

this book is almost over! there's only going to be like 3 more chapters in it, so thanks for sticking around this long!

i seriously recommend the 100 Days in Deadland series, it was an amazing series, and if you're interested in zombie apocalypse,and survival then definitely check it out!!

until next time, have an amazing day everyone!


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