Sketching My Love

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The pencil skidded against the paper in rapid strokes as he drew.

Just like everyday, the pencil drew the face, the face of the boy. The same lips, the same eyes, the same nose.

But everyday, new details engraved themselves on the paper. Each day, the eyes would become sharper, the lips darker. But never did he draw a perfect sketch.

Concentration drew his eyebrows together as his wrist came to a halt above the paper.

"It's beautiful." Taehyung said, who'd come up to stand behind him as he drew. "But who is he, Jungkook?"

Jungkook sighed deeply. As he smoothed his hand over the paper, he felt a desire to crumple it, take out his aggression on the paper. But as his palm slid over the beautiful, incomplete features of his sketch, he felt his heart flutter again.

The boy in the sketch meant a lot to him. He didn't know who he was, but he gave him the hope that he needed to push him down the gravelly, uneven road through his life.

"I don't know." He replied to Taehyung.

"Then why don't you stop?" He asked him, sitting down on the table in front of him. "What good is it doing you?"

"I don't know." Jungkook repeated. "But I just... need to draw him. I can't stop my fingers from drawing it." He said shrugging.

Taehyung picked up his sketchbook, flipping to the first page, and leafing through the pages. The book started with an eye: a single, beautiful eye. As the pages of the sketchbook multiplied, so did the boy's features.

Taeyhung continued to leaf through the pages until he reached the last one on the book - on the second last page. "What do you think it means?"

Jungkook looked up, glaring. "I don't know." He said. "And you know I don't. Why do you make me say this all the time?"

Taehyung smirked. "That should be your catchphrase." He said. "'I don't know"" He said it in a singsong voice, which made Jungkook stand up and hit him with his scale.

"Ow." He winced. "Before you can do me any more damage, let's go to the cafeteria."

Jungkook stood up, and stuffed his sketchbook and other stuff into it.

"Let's go."


"I'm so excited for the next year to begin." Taehyung said as he stuffed his cheeseburger in his mouth. They had skipped the cafeteria of their college, and gone to the nearby McDonalds.

"You say that at the beginning of every year." chastised Jungkook. "And besides, you are not giving me any advice on how to live through my next year this time either." Jungkook was a year younger than Taehyung, much to the amusement of the older.

"I would, Jungkookie, if I had known them myself." He snickered.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Alright. I'm done." he said, "You coming? Or should I leave you alone with your date: The cheeseburger?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Said Taehyung. "She can join us as we walk back to the campus."

That made Jungkook laugh.

They went out of the shop to be instantly greeted with the warmth of the June weather. The street was crowded with the students piling back to their respective dorms.

He walked leisurely, enjoying the environment.

Suddenly, someone bumped into his shoulder. Whoever it was continued running.

"Sorry!" He shouted behind his shoulder, and Jungkook saw his left eye. The one eye that mattered in his life.

That voice. The voice clutched at something in Jungkook's chest. His fingers itched and tingled for his pencil and sketchbook, and he rubbed them as he felt the all-too familiar sensation urging him to draw.

"Jungkook? Is everything Okay?" asked Taehyung.

"Can we walk faster?" Perhaps it was the seriousness in his tone, because of which Taehyung nodded.


As soon as Jungkook threw open the door, he lunged at his backpack, nearly ripping out his drawing materials from it.

Taehyung stood by the door, confused and slightly worried. "I should probably go back to my dorm." He said. "You'll be fine, right?"

His only reply was a grunt from Jungkook. He heard the door click shut as he went away.

Jungkook's fingers deftly slid over the paper just like they had merely an hour ago. His fingers ached in protest to the pressure, but he couldn't stop.

This time, he drew the most detailed eye he had ever drawn.


He remembered the day he had gotten the sketchbook.

Lying innocently on the front porch of his mother's house, it had been kept there on the eve of Christmas.

He had wanted to throw it away, but the note attached to it had made him keep it.

"I hope you will find what you're looking for."

He had not regretted a decision so strongly.


After he was done, his aching fingers held up the sketchbook. The last page.

"Beautiful" slipped past his lips as he stared at it.

And it was, the sketch. So beautiful that it knocked the breath out of his lungs for a moment.

The face belonged to a boy, whose lips were stretched in a breathtaking smile in the picture. The smile had shrunk his eyes to crescents. Jungkook felt a smile tug at his own lips the longer he stared at it.

"Beautiful" He said again.


The next day was a bustle, as new roommates were assigned to the dorm residents.

Jungkook was glad to have gotten rid of his last roommate, at least.

He decided to check who was his roommate at the front desk. He took one last glance at the sketch, then shoved it back in his bag.

But as soon as he stepped outside, he was restless.

A strange feeling, not an unpleasant one, had settled itself in his stomach. It was a feeling he knew well, it was the feeling he got as a child at the christmas morning.

The feeling of anticipation.

He continued walking, staring at his shoes so that no one would think wrongly of the expression on his face.

Almost halfway to the front desk, though, something urged his eyes up.

The world froze, and everything in it turned to snowflakes that slowly drifted around him as his eyes collided with the boy who was looking back at him.

It was him.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Just to make sure, he pulled out his sketchbook.

"It's you." He whispered to the boy standing a long distance away from him, who couldn't have heard it.

The other boy had pulled out a sketchbook similar to his in every way, and looked at it in disbelief, like him.

They simultaneously walked towards each other.

The closer they came, the clearer the world, and his focus on it, became. Slowly, a name conjured itself in his mind, its letters slowly sewing themselves together within his brain. And, like the petals of spring blossom floating through the air, his name came out in a whisper at the same moment his came out of the other boy's lips.

"Jungkook" He breathed.



Thank you for reading my work! Please give me a star and/or comment if you liked it!

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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Sketching my love| Jikook one-shot(ft. Taehyung)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें