Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Woot!" Natalie and Kim laugh. "Preach!"

The crowd cheers and clap which makes me smile. I look out into the crowd and find my parents and brother sitting in the middle with tissue being dabbed at their eyes.

"And most especially, I want to thank all of the families that are out here sitting in this excruciating heat. All the moms, dads, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, unlces, grand parents, great grandparents- you name it, without any of you, we wouldn't have been here today. Thank you, for all your constant support, never ending love and disicpline you gave us even when we obvisouly didn't want it." I pause and the crowd laughs. I look over next to mom and make eye contact with Niall and smile. "Lastly, to all the better halfs out there sitting with the family members. Without your constant nagging and uncondition love, we wouldn't have been able to do the impossible, or be the better half." The crowd cheers and laugh.

1 Minute the board in front of me flashes signaling me to end my speech.

"So on behalf of the Graduating Class of 2014, thank you to everyone who made it possible for us to be here today. We would not have been able to do any of this without every single one of you pushing us off our rear ends. To good memories and to many, many more. WE DID IT!"

Everyone in front of me stand on their feet and cheer while Dean Trupp hands me my degree and places the medal over my head. He steps back and claps, smiling at me.

"Thank you," I mouth towards him. He winks at me in response and signals me to exit the stage.

"You were amazing. Brought me to tears." Kim hugs me as I sit down.

"I'm so proud of you." Natalie smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. "You were great."

"Thanks." I smile at the both of them and wrap my arms around them. "We did it." I smile at them and the both of them smile back at me.

"I would like to ask the graduating class to stand up," Dean Trupp speaks into the mic. Natalie, Kim and I link arms. "Just like rehearsed, people." He laughs into the mic. The whole class stands up and take the tassel and move it from the right side to the left. Dean Trupp scans the class and nods. "I present to you, the Graduating Class of 2014!"

The three of us throw our caps into the air and pull each other into a group hug, jumping up and down and squealing in each other's ears. The band starts to play as the Graduating Class celebrates. After celebration, I meet my family at the tents set for snacks.

"I'm going to go say hi to my family." I wave off Natalie and Kim who meet with their families and Harry and Liam. "I'll text you after."

"No problemo, Jasjas." Kim hugs me before parting ways. "Harry!" I hear her scream before she disappears into the crowd.

"Jasmine, I'm so proud of you!" Mom screams and pulls me into a hug. "You sneaky one, didn't tell us you were Validictorian of your class!"

"Surprise!" I exclaim and laugh.

"So happy for you, baby girl." Ashley walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. "So much smarter than your brother." She winks.

"Geez, Jas. You're setting the bar way too high up there for me." Jackson laughs and pulls me into a hug. "Even my girlfriend likes you better than me."

"Oh, shut up!" I punch him in the arm after pulling away. "You're just jealous!" Jackson laughs and stands beside mom and dad with Ashely who were all smiling like clowns.

"Hey there, Ms. Validictorian." A familiar Irish voice fills my ears. "I got something for you."

"Oh? And what is that?" I smile at Niall.

Niall looks at mom and dad. They both nod and make a weird movement with their hands. I knit my eyesbrows in confusion and shake my head.

"Go on, Niall." Dad shoos him and smiles at me. When I turn to face Niall, he's on his knees and has a maroon box in his hands extended out towards me.

"What is going on?!" I asked surprised. "Oh my gosh."

"Jasmine Love, will you marry me?" Niall smiles.

The people around us stop and cheer. Tears roll down my eyes and I slap my hands over my chest and mouth.

"Well?" Jackson asks from the sidelines.

"Shush!" Ashley punches him in the ribs.

"Yes!" I scream.

"Yes?!" Niall asks.

"YES!" I scream and pull him up to kiss him. I pull away after a few moments and smile at him.

"Yes?" He asks again, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Yes," I whisper.


Author's Note:

HUAHAHUHA! How's it going, people?! It's been a while!! Well, here's a sucky chapter for you guys to read during your spring break.. If you're even on break.. LOL. But yeah, I hope you guys liked it. I apologize if some parts weren't funny .. I TRIED OK? YWAH okay bye love you. : ))

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