Chapter Thirty-Two

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I rest my head on my arm while the professor speaks hours on end about who knows what. I look up at the big clock in the front of the class and sigh when only five minutes has passed. I sit back up in my seat and type down the notes on the screen infront of me.

Text From: Ethan

You still up for tonight?

Text To: Ethan

Does it look like I want out?

Text From: Ethan

Just making sure, rookie.

Text To: Ethan

Just be there with the stuff.

I roll my eyes and lock my phone. I look up and find Kim staring at me. She tilts her head to the side in a curious manner. I shake my head and she nods. She can't know what I'm planning to do. Especially the part where Ethan comes in. I sit in my seat and type down the notes, praying that we would be dismissed.

"You seem off today. You alright?" Kim asks as we walk towards my car after our lecture. I don't acknowledge her existence until she pulls my arm to stop me. "What the hell, Jas! For the past couple of days, you haven't been yourself. You're always on edge and up tight. Whatever is going on with you needs to be fixed because I'm sick of your attitude."

"Maybe if you don't like my attitude, you should find another person with a personality that you like and make them, your best friend." I reply. I feel hot and angry.

"Actually, I will do that. Good bye, Jasmine." Kim says before she walks away in the opposite direction.

"Well then ..." I whisper to myself before I hop into my car and drive away. I pull into my driveway and park my car beside my dad's.

"Afternoon, honey. How was class?" My dad asks as I untie my shoe laces. I look up and smile at him.

"Uh, same old, same old, I guess. Two more years until I'm fully graduated and out of that hell hole." I sigh and place my shoes in the miniture closet.

"I'm proud of you, honey." My dad says before he dissappears back into his study. I sigh and walk past his study and into my room. I throw my bag into the corner beside my desk and sprawl myself across my bed. My eyes shut and before I'm fully asleep, I hear a knock on my door.

"Hey, you got a minute?" I hear Jackson ask from the other side of my door; the sound of him trying to open my locked door.

"What do you want, Jackson?"

"Jasmine. I just want to talk." My door rattles as Jackson tries to open my door.

"Not right now, Jackson." I sigh, but my room keeps rattling. "JACKSON!"

"OPEN THIS DOOR, JASMINE!" Jackson screams. I throw a pillow at my door as tears stain my cheeks.

"NO!" I scream and walk towards the door, slamming my hands against it. "GO AWAY!" I scream again and this time my door stop rattling. I fall to the floor and cry into my hands.

What have I become?


"Knockedy knock knock!" I hear Ethan call from the other side of the main door. I hop off the couch and walk over to the door and let Ethan in. "Hey." He says while he leans on the door frame.

"What is he doing here?" Jackson says as he makes his way down the stairs. "You two going out again?"

"Ha. It's nice to see you too, Jackson." Ethan replies with a smile. Jackson crosses his arms and glares at Ethan and I.

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