Chapter Four

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I couldn't believe my eyes. Just when I needed space away from Niall, he was right in front of me waiting for the elevator. This couldn't be happening. I laughed as I watched him break out into the worse dance moves I've ever seen. I had enough so I tapped his shoulder so he would stop.

"Hi, Niall." I said.

He let out a loud pitched squeal that hurt my ears. "Jasmine! You scared the living hell out of me! Don't do that!!" He screamed.

"sorry about that, i just couldn't watch you break out one more dance move!!" I said as I tried to stop myself from bursting into loud laughs.

We both laughed and looked deep into each others eyes. After about a few minutes of standing there looking at each other, the elevator arrived and broke the silence between us.

"Uh.. So, where are you going to all by yourself?" He asked me as he held the elevator door open.

"Oh... Um, you know just going to grab some breakfast. Kim left with Harry earlier this morning so I'm on my own. Haha" I said as I stared into his eyes.

"I was just about to do the exact same thing. Maybe we could hang out and grab some breakfast together?" He said as he lifted his eyes off of the ground and onto my eyes.

"I'd like that." I replied as I smiled and walked past him and made my way into the elevator.

As I faced Niall, I saw his face go bright red and his lips formed into the biggest smile I've seen him make since I met him as he looked down at the ground. I had a feeling that he was something special. And I knew that this was going to be the best day ever.

When we reached the parking lot, Niall led me to his car and we were off to Ihop. As Niall pulled out of the parking lot, he stepped hard on the brake, and I went forward and back in my seat violently.

"NIALL OMG NIALL CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH??" A bunch of girls screamed as Niall tried not to hit any of them. Luckily, the hotel's security guards were able to pull the girls off of the road and out of our way.

"How do you do it, Niall?" I asked as we were at a red stoplight.

"What do you mean, Jasmine?" He asked as he turned to face me; a curious look plastered on his face.

"I mean like, how do you handle all these girls screaming in your face, pulling you into every direction?"

"I don't know. By know I'm used to all the screaming." He said as he looked away from me and stepped on the gas.

Without a word to each other after that, it was starting to get awkward, so I turned on the radio and Niall gasped.

"This is my favorite song. Turn it up will you?!" He said as he sat up in his seat with a smile on his face. I looked at his gorgeous smile, blanked out of reality, and totally forgot about his request.

Niall's P.O.V

After the encounter with Jasmine in the hallway, we decided to grab breakfast together. We agreed on going to Ihop. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, we were stopped by fans, but I didn't stop because all I wanted to focus on was Jasmine. She asked me how I handle the screaming fans and I told her that I was used to it. It got awkward in the car and I saw her turn on the radio. Viva La Vida came on and I started to smile as my favorite song played on the radio. I asked Jasmine to turn up the radio, but the volume stayed the same. I turned to look at her, and caught her starting at me. I smiled at her as she stared at me, blankly.

"Jasmine? Hello, earth to jasmine?? Helluuurrrrr???" I said as I waved my free hand in her face. Still nothing. When I came to a red light, I grabbed my giraffe pillow pet from the back seat, and threw it at her face. I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice the light had turned green until a car behind me honked. I took my foot off the brake, and stepped on the gas, still laughing. She was too cute.

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