Chapter Ten

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Niall's P.O.V (Back home in Mullingar)

After ending concerts, I was finally back home. I couldn't handle the distance and emptiness in my heart any longer. I had to talk to Jasmine. Later that day, I texted her. We talked for a while about what happened between us before she left.. And guess what? She said yes to giving me a chance. SHE SAID YES!

"WOOOOHOOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and jumped out of bed.

Harry walked into my room. "Niall, shut up. You're so friggen loud, mate."

"JASMINE SAID YES, HAZZA! SHE SAID YES!" I jumped off my bed and pulled him into a hug.

"Said yes to what, mate?" He broke the hug and put his arms on my shoulders to stop me from jumping. "MATE! Will you calm down?!"


Harry let go of my shoulders and I countinued to jump up and down. Woot this was quite a workout.

"Well that took longer than I expected it to. 'gratz, mate." He said as he left my room.

This was the best day of my life.

Kim's P.O.V

"I'm dating Niall." Jasmine said as she sat me down at the table...

"NO WAY OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" I screamed at my best friend. I had the right to know, and I think scared her a little.

"Woah, calm down there! It just happened this morning .." She said looking down at the ground.

"WELL WELL WELL. I'm so happy for you, jasjas." I gave her a hug and continued cooking breakfast.

Finally. I have something to tease her about.

Jasmine's P.O.V

Later that day, I spent time shopping and catching up with my mom.

I really missed her over my vacation. We went back to school shopping for about three hours.. I was so not ready to go back to school. It was just less than a week until I went back to Uni.

Growing up was such a hassle.

Anyways, I had such a wonderful time with my mom. After dinner, I dropped her home and headed back to my flat. It was around 10pm when I got back home. I was so tired.

I parked my car next to Kim's and headed towards the flat. My phone was buzzing every minute. When did my friends start to have interest in me?

Text Message from: Nialler<3 (3)
Hey babe, wondering if you would like to skype with me tonight? x

wake up you lazy fart. ;)

if you love me you'll answer x

He is totally a fart face.

Text Message to: Nialler<3
in a bit you, I just got to my flat. spent the day with my mumzie :) shopping for school all day long! ring you up in a bit x

Text Message from: Nialler<3
Ima cute one ;) amazin' sounds good babe. x

I smiled at his text while walking up the stairs. I missed the very last step and fell flat on my face.

"OH MY! JAS ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" I heard Kim yell as she helped me up. "I see you're falling for Nialler boy.." She said laughing at her own joke.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Well, this is quite embarrassing.. Yeah, I'm fine Kimmy, good night."

"Goodnight Niallerboo." She said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and stuck my tongue out. "Goodnight to you too, hazzapoo"

After changing into my pjays, I gave Niall a ring on skype and his face popped up on my screen. The biggest smile spread along my lips. He is just so perfect.

"Why hello there, love. I've missed you." Niall said as he smiled into the camera.

"I've missed you too Niall! How's it going?" I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"I just got home a few days ago, and in turdy(YES TURDY) days, I'll be flying back to London to meet up with the lads.

"You're going to be in London?!" I couldn't help but let out a little squeal. He laughed his cute loud chuckle of his.

"I am. Maybe I'll even be able to see you." I smiled at him.

We talked for about three hours. I looked at my phone for the time and it showed that it was exactly 1am. I had to be at work in six hours. I said good bye to Niall, brushed my teeth and went to bed.


"gooood morning, goooood morning" my alarm clock went off and I groaned. I always hated monday's. I roll to my side, turn off my alarm and get out of bed.

First day of work after the summer vacation or any vacation is just the worst.

But today was going to be a good day, I just know it.

Kim and I ate breakfast, and headed off to starbucks where we worked. We set up the cafe with five of our co-workers and prepped ourselves for a busy day.

At around 7am, we unlocked the doors and took our places. Kim and I were in-charge of taking orders, and our co-workers were incharge of making the orders. The first day of work was going slower than a turtle. I looked at the clock and it was only 12pm. Three more hours Jasmine. You can do it I mentally remind myself.

I had my back towards the store while I stared at the menu board when I heard a very familiar voice.

"I'd like a to have a word with Jasmine Love if that's alright?"

I turned around and thought I was seeing things when I saw Niall standing infront of me. Why was he here? I turned to Kim and saw her wink at me.

"Jas, call it a day, I'll take your shift." She said as she winked at me.

Thank you I mouthed to her. She was definitely the best-est best friend anyone could ever ask for. She nodded and smiled.

I made my way to the back, took off my apron, grabbed my purse from my locker, and headed to the lobby to meet my so called boyfriend, Niall Horan.


HELLUR LOVELY READERS!! I'd just like to thank you guys for giving my story a chance! I hope you guys continue reading!! Love you guys!!

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