~Çhapter Fįfty~

Start from the beginning

I ran over and plopped myself on the couch between Emma and Maya.

"Merry Christmas!" I shouted.

Stella handed me a hot chocolate. "Merry Christmas."

I sipped the hot chocolate and picked one of the marshmallows out of the cup before plopping it in my mouth. "Cards?" I asked and Benjamin handed me a stack.

"Those are for you mostly from the children who want to learn to fight like you and to be able to run in human form while keeping up with us in wolf form."

I shook my head. "Trust me they don't want to get their arse handed to them everyday of the week to learn how to fight, better off being a Healer."

Emma clicked her tongue. "Don't say that, Chase, next thing you know there are fifty Healers and five Fighters."

I snorted. "Yeah like that's going to happen."

Maya shrugged. "You never know, kids are impressionable that way."

I rolled my eyes and started opening the cards. It was really boring but I got through my stack. I felt sorry for Benjamin and Stella to be honest, they got four times as many as I did and they get those for every holiday.

I sat back and drank my hot chocolate while everyone finished opening their cards.

"Awww, look Sienna wants to be a pack fighter," Emma said and showed everyone the card with messy writing and a stick figure.

"How old is she?" Maya asked as she popped open another card and dumped the envelope in the big plastic bag for recycling.


It took a while but we finally got through all the cards and, thankfully, Benjamin didn't make the Omegas work on Christmas so we hung up all the cards before heading to the Christmas tree.

"Breakfast firs-"

"No!" Emma, Maya and I shouted in unison before sharing a look, smiling.

Benjamin and Stella sighed before coming over to us as we dug through the presents.




We sorted them all into piles depending on the person it was for until we had cleared out the mountain of presents under the tree.

Emma was a close friend of the family since we grew up together and that's why she's spending Christmas here but also because I'm here and Stella and Benjamin decided that my best friend should be allowed to spend Christmas with me.

I opened one of mine and everyone retched at the smell but I'd already been prepared for it and adjusted my sense of smell accordingly.

"Ugh, who gave you that?" Emma asked.

"Travis Cornell," Benjamin sighed.

"The Prankster?" Stella said in disbelief.

"Chase," Maya said slowly as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Please don't tell me you're friends with him."

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