Chapter Two- Understanding

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   They exited the car and walked inside quietly. Philip looked at his father and stood close beside him. He smiled when he began to run his fingers through his hair like he did when he was younger. Now, Philip was nearly as tall as his dad, though that wasn't hard. Alexander was awfully short, after all.

   They ordered their food and sat down at the table next to each other. Philip put a hand on his dad's shoulder. 

   "... I'm not upset or anything." He lied gently. While Philip didn't really have anything against gay people, the idea of his father with a man grossed him out... Though honestly he was glad it was with Laurens, at least. Laurens was amazing. 

   "That's a lie." Alexander said after a moment. He'd only ordered a salad, and he picked at it slightly. Philip frowned. His father hadn't been eating lately, and he was looking thinner than usual... Usually when he didn't eat, Eliza convinced him, but...

   Philip realized then how much of a mess his father was in.

   "I'm just a bit surprised. How about you eat? You'll feel better afterwards."

   Philip couldn't help but feel concerned when all his father did was laugh bitterly.

   The salad was left mostly uneaten.

   By the time they reached their new home, it was late into the night. Hamilton had already moved a lot of their stuff there, and that was the last trip. Philip looked around curiously and Alexander pointed towards a door. "That's your room right there. Mine is the one right across from it. The bathrooms the next door down. Go get some sleep, son. You'll be starting school tomorrow, okay?"

   Philip was too tired to argue. He curled up on his bare mattress and pulled a blanket over him. Sleep came swiftly. His rest was fitful, and in the morning when his father woke him up he felt as if he'd barely rested. 

   He sat up and stretched, smiling at Alexander. "G'morning, Pa." Alexander looked as if he hadn't slept and, knowing him, he hadn't. Philip got up and took a shower. When he got out, he dried himself off thoroughly. He pulled on a simple yet admittedly cute outfit. His dark skinny jeans and a blue sweater, due to the cold weather. He fixed his hair, deciding to pull it up in a ponytail to do something special for his first day at his new school. 

   He walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw his father do a double take and Philip began to feel uncomfortable as he felt himself being examined. Alexander's face had gone a little pale and he looked ready to cry. He had his hands wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee, and they were shaking.

   Philip frowned. "What's wrong, pa..?" He tilted his head, confused. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. As is his voice had broken a spell, Alexander shook his head and looked away. "Nothing, son. You look nice today. I like what you did with your hair." He set a bowl of cereal down at the table for Philip, who began to eat it hungrily. 

   "You should eat too." Philip tried softly. Philip sighed in relief as he poured himself a bowl of cereal and began to eat it ravenously, as if not eating had finally caught up to him. He finished his coffee and stood up. 

   "I'm going to go freshen up. Get ready for school, alright?" Alexander smiled and left, leaving Philip alone with an empty bowl. He gathered the dirty dishes and washed them quickly, not wanting a dirty house to cause stress to his already upset dad.

   Philip gathered his supplies and waited patiently. He was nervous, but he knew he'd do fine. Back at his old school, he hadn't had many issues. He was attractive, he had a good personality, he wasn't poor... The only thing anyone ever gave him shit for was his father. Surely out here nobody would've heard of the scandal?

   Hamilton came out of his room, his hair had been brushed and pulled back into a neat ponytail, and he had even put a little bow in his hair. He'd changed into some decent clothes that he hadn't been wearing for days. Philip smiled at him and followed him as he walked outside.

   The drive to the school was uneventful, other than Alexander's constant parent questions.

   "Are you sure you'll be okay with school food? I could always pack you lunch--" Hamilton started to say in a nervous voice. He wanted Philip to be as happy as possible. The thought honestly hurt Philip's heart. The fact that his father was scared of losing him made him feel sad.

   "I'm fine, Pa. Thanks, though." He really was thankful. He appreciated his concern. At least then Philip knew that he had a reason to carry on.

   "If you ever need anything just call me I'll be right over to pick you up, okay?" Philip could hear the desperation and the fear underlining his voice. He just wanted to be a good father so much...

   "I'll be fine." He was more worried about his father than himself. What was he going to do while alone? His boss, Washington, had given him the day off to adjust to his new house, and he probably didn't have anything to do.

   "If the kids give you any trouble tell me immediately and I'll figure out how to handle it--" Philip actually smiled.

   "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." He loved his father.

   School was sounding . Before, Philip had had plenty of friends. And when he friends failed, he always had his younger siblings. Now he was completely alone as he stood outside of the school office, waiting for his guide.

   Apparently, he was getting a fellow student to walk him to his classes, due to the fact that the school was massive and easy for new students to get lost in. After a few minutes, a very pretty dark skinned girl emerged from the office, a small smile on her lips. 

   "Hello. Are you Philip Hamilton?" She asked. Philip nodded and grinned at her. 

   "That's me! And what's your name, miss lovely lady?" She rolled her eyes, chuckling softly.

   "I'm Theodosia Burr. Pleasure to meet you, Mister Hamilton." Philip shook his head. 

   "Burr? As in Aaron Burr?" Philip asked, a bit excited. Theodosia tilted her head. 

   "How do you know my father?" She seemed genuinely confused, and it caused Philip to chuckle a little bit. 

   "My dad works with him. He talks about him a lot. Sometimes he talks about how brilliant he is, sometimes he talks about how terrible he is. He must be an interesting guy." Philip explained. A look of realization dawned on Theodosia's face. 

   "Oh... You're the son of that Hamilton? Oh boy. My father complains about your father all the time!" Philip's expression fell, but Theodosia noticed and quickly continued to talk.

   "Not bad things, really! He just says he talks too much, though according to him he's been a lot quieter lately. My dad sounded a bit worried last time he spoke about him." She shrugged and Philip winced. 

   "Yeah he's... Going through a lot. Divorce." Theodosia nodded and smiled softly. 

   "Oh dear. I'm sorry. I'm glad you talked to me though. I have a feeling we're going to be amazing friends." She held out her hand and Philip took it happily. He'd already made a friend!

   He smiled softly. Maybe school wouldn't be so bad after all.

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