Chapter 9: Adventures in the Mall

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A/N: Here is chapter 9, thanks for sticking with me so far. I really appreciate it. This one will be the longest yet. Enjoy!

We pulled up in the amll parking lot and all walked to the entrance where there were severaly huge bodyguards waiting for us. I smiled at them. They looked frightening but when they smiled back, they looked just like huge teddybears. They let us through and we all walked inside. I took a minute to gae around. I havent been in this mall in years so it looked a little different. Louis nudged me. I turned to face them. We all stared at each other.  

"So, what do we do first?" Liam asked.  

"How about we just walk around?" Zayn suggested looking at himself in one of the store windows. We all started walking in a random direction. I gasped as I saw the little kid rides that you put a quarter in and they rock back and forth. The boys all turned ot me. 

"What's wrong?" Harry asked. I just took off running to the Clifford ride.I could hear the boys running to catch up behind me. I pulled a quarter out of my pocket and put it into the machine. I started giggling as it started to move. The boys had finally caught up and were laughing at me. I pouted. Louis pulled out his phone.  

"Smilee for the camera." He told me pointing his phone at me. I grinned and put two thumbs up. The flash went off and I dropped my pose.  

"Can I put it on twitter?" He asked looking up at me. I grinned.  

"Yeah, tag me in it, my twitter name is Charlee_Rose_Watson." I told him. A minute later, my phone buzzed and saw that I got mentioned in a tweet and opened it up and laughed as I saw what it said. Louis had put: @Charlee_Rose_Watson would say, you are never to old to have fun as the caption of the picture. The Clifford ride stopped moving and I got off. I then saw a photobooth. I turned to the guys. 

"Oi! Let's get in the photobooth." I said marching over to them and grabbing Harry and Louis's hand and dragging them over to it with Liam, Zayn, and Niall dragging behind us. We all crowded inside. It was surprising a little bigger than it looked though I still had to sit on Zayn's and Louis's lap. I put a quarter in to the machine and a timer started counting down from 10 seconds. We all smiled for the first picture. 

The next picture we all pulled a funny face. The third picture we all did a thumbs up at the camera. The fourth picture was all the guys hugging me. The fifth was all of us doing a sad face. The last was the boys all kissing some part of me. Louis and Zayn kissing my cheeks. Harry and Liam were kissing the sides of my head, while Niall kissed the top of my head. I laughed after the falsh went off signalling the picture was taken. We all climbed out of the booth and crowded around the picture slot. I pushed the copy button and pressed the five button so it would make five more copies. (A/N: Pretty sure they dont have a copy button on the photobooth so let's pretend they do. Thanks!)  

I grabbed them a second before Louis did. I turned to him and stuck my tounge out. I turned back to the pictures. I loved all of them especially the last because you could tell I was shocked and I was obviously blushing. I handed the boys all a copy. I put them in my small carry-around wallet. I then smiled at the boys.  

"I wanna get a picture of us to put on twitter." I told them before they all gathered around me. I pulled my phone out and snapped a picture before getting on twitter.  

Hanging with some very special boys..Im sure you know who they are..they are a right laugh! I tweeted along with the picture. I was smiling, while Niall and Louis were poking my dimples and Harry was sticking his tounge out while Zayn was doing bunny ears behind my head. I laughed.  

My phone buzzed with loads of replies and retweets. I read a few of them. 

You lucky duck. Some person named DirectionsRunTheWorld.  

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