Chapter 12: Charlee's House and a Duet?

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  • Dédié à All my Fans

A/n: Sorry it's taken so long to update! My personal life has been really busy and stressful! But I promised that I would update this weekend and well here it is! This chapter is dedicated to all my fans\/Directioners! You guys are amazing and I love you! Well here's Chapter 12, hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote, fan, and comment! I want at least 10 votes & 5 comments before I start the next chapter! Thanks! 

The outfit is on the side!

Happy Earth Day! 

                                               Chapter 12: Charlee's House and a Duet? 

I quickly hopped out of the shower and put on deodorante and lotion. I pulled on a white tank, dark blue jeans, a blue button up shirt that I tied a knot in at the end and buttoned up a few buttons. I then opened my closet and scanned my shoes for a pair to math. 

'Aha!' I thought excitedly finding the perfect pair. A pair of red sparkly flats. I slipped them on and headed back to the bathroom to do my hair. I pulled my hair into a braid with some of the sides that wouldn't go into the braid framing my face. I went back into my room and went into my closet and grabbed my white shoulder bag and put my wallet with some cash in it. I walked out of my room, shutting the door behind me, and back down the stairs. I walked into the living room and saw the boys minus Niall in a laughing pile on the floor. I cleared my throat to get their attention. Their heads snapped up to face me. They jumped up off the floor. 

"What's so funny?" I asked raising an eyebrow. The boys grinned turning to Louis. 

"Louis told us a joke." Harry said with a laugh. 

"Tell her babez." Zayn said nudging Louis. 

He grinned at the boys and turned to me slipping his hair. "Why did the mushroom go to the party?" He asked me. 

I quickly thought searching for an answer but shrugged when I couldn't come up with one. "Why? I asked curiously. 

"He was a fungi." He answered before bursting into laughter with the boys. I let out a laugh. I have to admit it was a pretty funny joke. "Thats funny." I told him with a giggle. I then looked around. "Where's Niall?" I asked. 

The boys looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "The kitchen, he got hungry, even though we ate before we came." Liam answered. I laughed and headed into the kitchen. 

When I got there, I saw Niall's bum sticking out of the refrigerator. 

"Niall, what are you doing?" I asked. 

His head shot up which was a bad idea seeing as his head was in the refridgerator. He ended up hitting his head on the top of the inside of the fridge. He pulled his head out rubbing it. When he turned to face me, I was burst out into laughter. His mouth was filled with banana in which dropped as soon as he turned around because I had startled him. He looked at the banana on the ground with a heartbroken expression. 

"My banana!" He said sadly. 

I giggled. "Sorry to um interupt but we have to leave. You can have another banana, I have plenty." I told him. 

His face lit up. He pulled me into a giant hug. The hug was what Directioners might have called a Horan Hug. I smiled and hugged him back. He pulled away and grabbed a banana and started to happily munch on it. I laughed and led him out of the kitchen. We arrived from the kitchen to see the boys watching I-Carly. I laughed knowing that one fo the next episodes that the show will film will have the boys guest starring! I clapped my hands together. 

"You boys ready to roll?" I asked them reaching down to pet Bambi and Shadow. The boys let out different forms of agreements. "Okay, give me a minute." I said heading back into the kitchen to refill Shadow and Bambi's water bowl and food bowl. I then petted them one more time before heading back into the living room. 

"Ready, let's hit the road!" I told them. They headed to the door and I closed it behind us. We then agreed that Zayn and Niall would ride with me while Liam, Harry and Louis went into Louis's car. 

We pulled out of my driveway and headed towards the HMV Apollo. 


We pulled around the back and parked. I unlocked the doors and jumped out along with the boys. We walked inside and were greeted with Simon. He smiled at us. 

"Hello kids. How was your night?" He asked. 

I smiled. "It was good, my bed was so comfy I almost didnt get out of it if it weren't for the boys coming this morning." I said shooting a fake glare at the boys. 

They flashed smirks and gave each other high fives. I watched on in amusement. 

Simon cleared his throat and the boys stopped joking around. "I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you get to choose your tour outfits today and the bad news is that you have to write a song that you can duet together." He told us. 

The boys and I looked at each other. Writing a song together? How difficult can that be?

Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it was so short! I promise the next will be longer! I just have a case of Writer's Block, which is not a fun thing to have! The next chapter will be much more awesome and feature a new song that they will duet together! 

What I was doing while writing: watching The Day After Tomorrow. That movie gives me chills and makes me nervous! Does anybody else feel the same way? It's a really good movie! I enjoy watching it! 

Then I watched Austin & Ally! An awesome show that if you don't watch, you should! It's starring Ross Lynch from his family band called R5, Which you should also check out! And if you like htem and live on the west coast, they are having a tour, you can try to get tickets to! 

-xoxo Emzybear

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