Chapter 2: Ice Cream

Start from the beginning

"Ugh!" I screamed as I shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"What?" Asher asked me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I have to go" I said.

"Wait, we're here" he said looking across the street.

I turned my head towards his gaze to see a small yellow ice cream shop. There were some tables outside with people eating ice cream. Couples, families, bikers. Inside the shop, you could see a big line of people waiting to order their ice cream. On top of the shop was a giant ice cream cone poster with the words "Dave's Ice Cream Parlor" written on it.

I turned to Asher with my eyebrows raised in a questioning expression. "You want us to go there? Asher, there's like twenty people in line. Plus, I have to go."

"It's okay. It'll be quick. I promise. I have connections," he said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Whatever" I said as I began to cross the street.

When I reached the other side, I turned back to see Asher still there with a shocked expression on his face.

"You coming?" I asked him impatiently. I really needed to go before Travis got mad. Plus I really wanted to see Drew.

Asher shook his head and proceeded to cross the street, looking both ways before crossing. I rolled my eyes at how careful he was being.

"How do you just cross the street without looking? You could get killed!" he asked me.

"How could you cross the street actually looking?" I replied back.

"You could get killed if you don't!" he yelled.

"I know. And I'm still going to cross that street without looking. If a car comes and hits me, cool. It was time for me to die. Whatever. At least I'll be happy I died living a good life. But I guess you can't say the same huh?" I asked.

"I-I-" he stuttered.

"Save it. You haven't lived your life. Anyways, ice cream. Quick" I said.

We walked inside and my nose was instantly filled with the smell of the sugar filled, cold food.

"Mhmm, yummy" I said smiling.

"Okay, well you need to hurry so let's go" Asher said grabbing my arm.

He walked over to the counter and then went through the door that led to behind the counter as he dragged me along behind him.

"Asher! What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Getting us ice cream!" he answered back.

"Yea but the employees do that!"

"Who said I wasn't an employee?" he said winking.

"Whatever" I said.

"Hey Asher" some dude called out. I turned to look at some blond haired hot dude scooping ice cream. He was wearing his work shirt and khaki shorts too. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey" Asher called back as he went over and dragged me with him.

"What's with the chick?" the guy said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes. Perv.

"My new girlfriend," Asher said with a smirk on his face.

My eyes widened as I turned towards him and punched his shoudler. Hard.

"Ow" he said wincing in pain as he held onto his shoulder. "What was that for?!"

"I am not your girlfriend. And I never will be. Plus I don't have time to goof around. I actually have a life, you know" I said.

"Okay, okay. What ice cream do you want?" he asked, obviously still in pain.

At the thought of ice cream and him in pain, a smile formed on my lips. Yep, sometimes I'm just that bipolar. "Cookies and cream."

"Okay. Kyle, can we have a cookies and cream and a mint chocolate please?" he asked the blonde.

"Sure" he said with a smile on his face. He turned toward the customer and handed them their ice cream. Then when the next customer came up, he put a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry, I just need to do two quick orders and then I'll get to you okay?" Kyle asked.

The customer was a teenage girl and she probably went to our school yet I've never seen her. However, she must've fell for Kyle's charm because she began giggling and nodding her head as Kyle winked at her and then turned to go finish our orders.

Less than a minute later, we had our ice cream and were already walking towards the house. Travis is going to flip if I'm not there soon!

I glanced at my ice cream and noticed it was dripping on the sides. I lifted my cone up and stuck my tongue out, licking all around the cone.

I heard a moan and turned to see Asher and his "little friend" pleased. I laughed. I didn't know I could be that much of a tease.

A few minutes later, we ended back up at the house. We didn't really talk on the way there, but hey! I wasn't complaining! I walked inside quickly and said goodbye to mine and Asher's mom before walking out towards the car. My mom agreed to let me take it as long as Asher would bring it back for her.

I scurried into the front seat as I finished the last of my ice cream cone.

"Yum," I said.

"Damn," Asher said, instantly ruining my mood. I turned to him and glared.

"I was talking about the ice cream!" he said trying to defend himself.

"Pshhh." I said.

I then backed out of the driveway and headed down the road, leaving all my worries behind while bringing one along with me.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry it's taken me forever to upload. I've been really busy with homework, book reports, and we're also re-doing my house. I'm gonna go write another chapter after this and hopefully I'll finish it so that you have two chapter to read. I'm also going to try to update more frequently but no promises! Anyways, fan, comment, and vote please!! 

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