Jimin's new Strength and Mins Death

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           As Min is walking home back to nick and the others , Min stops as she is 500 miles away from home so she begins to use her inhuman speed to close the distance between her and home. Min runs until she is at least 150miles away from home but Min could feel nicks magic power from where she is standing as he closes in on her but she senses 3 other beings with him with immense magic power but not as much as nicks. Min senses that she is surrounded and she is standing in the middle of no where. As the sky from white clouds into dark clouds as if a Storm was coming Min could already tell that it was Jimin's doing. Min grips her sword tightly, and gets into a fight stance.  Waiting for an Attack Min didn't know which direction they were coming from but in a blink of an eye a huge light was forming from the ground causing the ground beneath Min to explode.

    Min Jumps out the way just in time before she took full damage from that explosion. A Bolt of Lightning Strikes the ground and there appears Jimin with glowing eyes.

 Min: Jimin What are you doing here you scared me half to death.

Jimin: I'm doing what Nick ordered me to do sadly....

Min: And What Might That be?

Jimin: He told me to come and kill you....

Min: W-What?! why would he say such a thing I'm loyal to him and only him I have done nothing wrong!

Jimin: That's not what Nick thinks....I wish there were another way....

Min: Jimin please...Don't make me hurt you, Do you honestly think your able to defeat me?

    The Tree branches begin to rattle and as nick, Namjoon , Kookie, Taehyung , Yoongi , and Jin Jump down from the Trees and reveal themselves.

Nick: Honestly Min Your strong but Jimin has surpassed you in many different ways your not as strong as you think you are, you held back in that battle with Yuri and we know it. The Min I know would of went full out and demolished her with slightest of ease. So why did you hold back?!

Min eyes widen, min stands there and doesn't know what to say.

Min: I-I I don't know please master forgive me....

Nick: Just as I thought you Held your True Potential back because you didn't think I wouldn't notice that you had killed 6 gods while I've been gone and you have absorbed their power so you only relied on your sword technique + your physical strength. 

Min: Master I'm sorry I didn't tell you.... I just wanted to become stronger so I could impress you because I know how much you Favored Kali because of her strength and skill so why not improve mine.

Nick: Min your such a fool why would you need to increase your own power because Kali was somewhat stronger then you...Min you had already so much power think about it the power I bestoed upon you, you were my greatest creation , you were the strongest out of the other 8 Kali just knew how to increase her own power without absorbing others but now that I know what you have done I cant allow you to live, You may have been a faithful and loyal Friend to me but What you did, you crossed the line and now I'm paying for it. You don't know the sacrifices I had to make just to keep the Demon Council from finding you guys but maybe I made a mistake maybe I should of let them, but whatever I'm done talking.

  Nick turns his back and steps to the side to let Jimin handle Her. Nick is Joined by the others while Min looks at Nick with a sad look on her face.

Nick: Jimin Kill her

   Jimin looks back at nick and sees that he is angered by the action of Min and nods as he will carry out Nicks demand. Jimin forms a dark purple aura around and as Jimin power begins to rise it causes the ground to shake, Min eyes widened and is surprised by the fact that Jimin has gotten twice as strong with-in a short period of time.

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