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        Hoseok Jaw Drops when he sees Nicks transformation, but it took him by suprise when he found that he even had one because during the years he had been researching nick and his abilities it never came across that he had a transformation. Key and Jonghyun are in a stat of shock as they stand behind Hoseok.

          "Master what do we do now?" Key asks.

"No need to worry key.. nick has got this one in the bag It seems I have alot more to find out about nick. " Hoseok responds in a calm tone.

 Key nods and Jonghyun looks at Key and then back at the montier and all 3 of them continue to watch Nick as he goes on.

     "Namjoon....what do we do?" Jungkook asks worriedly.

"We have to fight him kookie....its been so long since nick last used this form even i forget how emensely powerful he gets when he changes into it. His Human body cant hold the full extent of his powers but when he goes into this form he has complete control over all of it." Namjoon looks at Jungkook.

      Jin quickly cast a spell of ressurection , Jin mumbles the incantation and as he is casting the spell the person Jin chose to bring back from the dead was Chanyeol.

Chanyeol appears infront of everyone and turns to face Jin. " How may i assist you master...?" Chanyeol says kneeling on one knee.

   "Help us Fight him...." Jin says softly while pointing at nick.

" As you Wish" Chanyeol stands up and prepares to fight nick by hisself.

       Chanyeol rushes at nick at max speed and prepares to strike nick in the face, but nick was much faster then he originally was and before chanyeol could hit him nick moves over to the right in a blur. Nick then strikes chanyeol in the back sending him flying towards the others.

       "Ugh..." Chanyeol rubs his head but then quickly gets back up and rushes at nick one more time, but before Chanyeol could move Nick had charged at chanyeol delivering a devastating blow to chanyeols side with his bare hands, nick had took off one side of chanyeols mid section with just 1 strike. Chanyeol eyes widen and slowly fell to his knees.

     Jungkook and The others jaws dropped and eyes widened.

Jungkook was standing in shock that he could barely move, the sight of nick complete desimating chanyeol was unbareable. Even Jin was in shock because he had almost perfected his ressurection spells, all that training Jin went through kind of payed off but now the real fight begins.

    Jimin steps foreward. "Guys we have got to stop him....because if we dont he will kill us all... Me personally i dont care if i die, nick has done so much for me that i would do anything to have that same person back and if that means giving up my life to save the person i love the most then i will do so...." Jimin says softly but confident.

        Jimin Charges at Nick at full speed and strikes nick 6 times with a feirce combination. Nick blocks all 6 hits and counters with a 4 hit combination causes Jimin to lose his balance. Nick then left hand starts glowing blue and he is prepared to strike Jimin, but Jimin quickly kicks Nick in the mid section sending him flying backwards.

          Taehyung couldnt just sit back and do nothing, Taehyung quickly charges at nick and strikes him 7 times with furious punches and kicks. Jungkook quickly follows up with 4 hit combination causes nick to lose balance. Jin quickly shoots nick with 10 purple orbs , Nick quickly recovers and deflects all the projectiles and rushes at Jin and appears right infront of him and punches him in the mid section sending him flying through the mansion double doors. Jungkook and the others were shocked that nick was so much faster then before, but they couldnt let that stop them.

Not What it Seems [BTSxBTS]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz