Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Why don't the two of you be quiet for the rest of the ride,"

"Oh, Ha-Ha, very funny." Kim laughs. She keeps her eyes on me and rests a hand on my arm. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know." I reply.

"Well, stop it. You're acting weird. It's only Niall, Jas." Kim says. "And plus, we'll be right there with you if anything goes wrong."

"Yeah," Natalie butts in. "What Kim said."

"Thanks guys," I smile and continue to drive towards the airport. "I don't know what I'd do without you two."

The whole ride is silent with just the radio playing as background music. Half an hour later, I pull into the parking spot behind seven black escalades.

"Ladies," Paul bows as the three of us exit my car. "A pleasure to see you all again."

"Sup, best friend!" Kim fist pounds Paul and Preston as she walks past them.

"It's been too long!" Natalie pulls Paul and Preston into a group hug.

"Hey, Paul." I hug him. "Hey, Prest." I hug Preston. "Where are they?"

"Going through, special customs." Paul uses his hands to emphasize special customs.

"They'll be coming out through that, door." Preston points and walks us over to their gate. "About five more minutes. Control your hormones please." He says before he walks off back towards the others.

"Ahh! I can't believe this." Natalie squeals and tears up beside me. The three of us are linked arms as we wait for the five of them to come out.

We stay in that position for about fifteen minutes before a familiar looking head of curls walks through the automatic sliding doors. I nudge Kim and motion her towards the aisle. Her face lights up once she notices what I'm hinting at.

"HARRY!" Kim screams and lets go of my arm before running and jumping into Harry's arms, kissing him fully on the lips.

My stomach starts to turn when there's still no sight of Niall.

"Hey," Natalie squeezes my arm gently. "He'll be out soon, don't you worry." She pats my arm one last time before letting go and making a run towards Liam. "LIAM!" She screams.

"Jasmine!" I hear a voice call out. A smile makes it's way onto my face."Guess who's back, back again?"

"H-hey, Louis." I flash him a weak smile and pull him into a friendly hug. "How's my favorite?"

"Fabulous as ever, Jasmine," Louis laughs and lets go of me.

"Uhm, where's Ni--"

Louis waves his hand in my face. "Dunno, kiddo. See ya!" He hugs me one last time before he walks off and tackles Paul and Preston into a bear hug. I sigh and pull out my phone to distract myself.

"What's up, Jas!" Zayn screams before pulling me into a tight hug. "I've missed your ugliness!" He laughs before releasing me.

"Haha, very funny, Zayn." I roll my eyes at him as he walks over to Paul and Preston.

Sighing, I lower my head and start walking over towards the group. On the way, however, I bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologize without looking up.

"Ugh, people these days!" The lady picks her luggage up and walks away from me, grunting. "No manners at all!" She screams.


A few steps away from where I started, I hear a very familiar chuckle come from behind me.

"Hey, Jasmine!" The familiar voice screams out. "Didn't you forget something?"

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