“You’re quitting, right?” Ricky asked, suddenly looking concerned. I guess his fatherly instantly were kicking in and he didn’t want me to kill our baby before it even came out.

“I haven’t touched a cigarette since I found out,” I responded defensively. I couldn’t believe he thought I would be so irresponsible as to continue to smoke and knowingly put our baby in harm.

“I know quitting’s hard. If you need me to, I can prescribe something that will make a bit easier,” Dr. Mason told me sympathetically. I could tell that she had had smoking patients before this. I just gave her a nod and she continued with her lecture. I could tell I was going to be glad when this was all over. There were so many things I couldn’t do. The ‘don’ts’ outweighed the ‘dos’ by a ton.

When she was done she told us to make another appointment, which I asked if I could make over the phone when I had all of our tour dates in front of me. She then told me how important it was to come in every month at least for the first few months. All these appointments were going to drive me insane by the end of this.

“Well, this is gonna be a fun nine months,” I muttered sarcastically, pulling on my jeans. Ricky let out a chuckle as he stood up from his chair.

“I’m sure it won’t be that bad, babe,” he replied. That was easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one throwing up all over everything and not being about to smoke. He had shoved his sperm in me and now he was free to go.

“I’ve already almost broken down and smoked about ten times, so, yeah, this is gonna suck,” I responded, pulling my hair out of my shirt. He had no idea how hard this was going to be for me.

“You can do it,” he encouraged. I gave him a look that told him I didn’t believe him. “Ok, what if I try to quit with you,” he suggested halfheartedly. I seriously doubted he was serious, though.

“Sure, Ricky. You try that. See how long you last,” I replied with a short laugh. I couldn’t imagine Ricky successfully quitting smoking. If he tried, he’d probably just fail terribly.

“Ok, you’re on. I bet I can quit before the baby’s born,” he challenged. I was still doubtful, but he seemed so determined that I couldn’t bring him down.

“Ok, deal. What do I get if I win?” I responded as we walked out of the room. A new couple was sitting in the waiting room and both the man and lady took one look at us and gave us a disgusted look. I usually wasn’t bothered by close-minded people, buy today something was different for some reason.

“Whatever you want, babe,” he replied in a joking tone. I stuck my tongue out at him before reaching up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll have to think about it,” I told him with a smile. I figured I’d have to come up with something good since there was no chance Ricky was actually going to quit.

“Don’t waste too much time think because I’m gonna win this,” he insisted. Even with the doubt in my head, I couldn’t bring down his confidence.

“Oh, we’ll see how that goes,” I murmured. If he actually followed through with this, I’d be very surprise. He was always smoking so I knew this was going to be terrible for him.

We then made our way out the door and to the car. “So, uh, I was thinking,” Ricky started when he was buckled in the driver’s seat. His face was suddenly very serious. I looked at him expectantly, telling him to go on. “Maybe we should, uh, move in together so that we won’t have to tote the baby back and forth all the time,” he finished. He seemed to be nervous, like he thought I would shoot down the idea. I could tell by the way he was raking his fingers through his hair and how he was averting my eyes.

“That sounds like a good idea. It would a lot easier when the baby’s born,” I agreed. Moving in with Ricky sounded amazing. We would be able to see each other when we were home and it would be better for the baby. “Would we move to Scranton or Philadelphia?” I questioned. As much as I did want to move in with him, I didn’t know how I felt about being so far away from my aunt even if it was just a couple of hours. Thinking about my aunt made me remember that we were going back to my house to tell her about the baby.

“Uh, I haven’t gotten that far in my plans. I didn't really think you’d say yes so fast,” he admitted with sheepish grin. “But, maybe Philadelphia would be better since you have your aunt there,” he suggested thoughtfully.

“Yeah and my aunt would probably lose her shit if she thought I was moving two hours away,” I added with a chuckle. Aunt Addy and I were too close for her to be ok with me moving to a different city.

“So, do you, uh, wanna start looking at apartments, then?” he asked and I gave him a nod. Living with Ricky would definitely take some getting used to, but it was a change I was looking forward to.

AN: What do you guys want to happen next?

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now