Chapter Eight - Park Encounters

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Chapter Eight - Park Encounters


I walked out of the house with Mitch's hand linked in mine. When he led me to his car to leave, I took my hand away from his and got into the passenger's seat.

I sighed, leaning my head back. My fingers traced the outline of the bruise that Jordan had caused on the side of my arm. The swelling had increased and I saw a dark purple mark start to rise up.

I shook my head, squeezing back tears, realizing that Jordan, the man that I had liked since the fourth grade had hit me. 

Maybe this whole marriage thing wasn't a bad idea. I thought. Immediately when I thought this, I was revolted with myself.

I would much rather die alone and content, then have to be forced to marry someone that I don't love. But Mitch, he was nice, right?

And he's attractive, and funny, and everything that any other girl on the entire planet would want in a guy. But do I?

I felt the car lurch back, and Mitch's hand rest over mine. "Where are we going?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Back to the park, we'll take a walk," he said immediately.

I exhaled slowly and after about ten minutes, we reached the park and began our walk.

Our fingertips were brushing, and suddenly I felt a wave of emotions hitting me. This is always what I wanted with Jordan. He didn't mean to hurt me... I thought, sighing again.

I moved my hand away and pretended to brush my bangs out of my face. I bit my lip, looking away, leaving both Mitch and I to walk in silence awkwardly.

I mean, he has a right to be mad, right? It's not like I wouldn't punch someone who was dating Jordan... I thought. Damn it, Ellie! You fucked it all up!

We kept trudging along until Mitch finally spoke up. "Penny for your thoughts."

I laughed breathily. "They're worth at least like, a quarter," I said quietly, looking at the ground. Mitch looked up at me expectantly. "I'm just... stupid. That's all."

"I ruined my friendship with Jordan," I continued, biting my lip to stop the tears from flowing out of my eyes. 

"Me, too," Mitch said, looking at me.

I didn't dare to look back at him, and eventually I heard Mitch shout out to someone, "Hey! Long time no see!"

I looked up to see who he was talking to, and I took in the long brown wavy hair, petite figure, and I saw her face, the one that was almost exactly like mine.

"Cass!" I heard Mitch say, taking her in for a friendly hug. I froze in my tracks when I saw her gaze over me, and her face turned into disgust.

"Oh would you look at that, this girl is already at it with another guy," Cassidy said, pursing her lips together.

I felt a surge of anger pass through me, noticing she was referring to Jordan. "Shut up," I said, gritting my teeth.

I saw Mitch stand there awkwardly, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Her eyes glanced over my left hand, and she smirked at the sight of the engagement ring that I forgot was even there.

"Oh, and look, that ring could mean two things," she continued, and evil smile on her lips. "Either you were cheating on Mitch with that unbearably cute boy, or, you were desperate enough to get engaged with poor Mitch over here, within what, a week?"

I suddenly felt my entire body tense up. So this is what Cass had become. At this point, I didn't care what it took to prove her wrong.

"Actually Cassidy," I said, emphasizing her name. "Maybe this is a forced marriage that I have to go through! Maybe our parents turned into inconsiderate jerks ever since you LEFT! MAYBE if my sister didn't fucking leave me, I wouldn't be going through this!" I screamed, my face red with anger.

Cassidy's face was flushed pale white. "Ellie?" she whispered, knitting her eyebrows together.

I felt tears threatening to spill out, and I turned on my heel and fled. I kept running, ignoring all the calls from Mitch and Cass telling me to come back.

I needed Jordan. I can't go through this shit without him. Even if our friendship is ruined right now, if our "relationship," I don't know what to call it, is broken, I'm gonna fix it. I thought.

I ran all the way to the neighborhood and trailed up the stairs of Jordan's porch, breathing in and out, trying to catch my breath.

"Man, I'm out of shape," I wheezed, tired from the run. I took out the extra key that Jordan gave me a while back and pushed it into the lock.

I opened the door and ran in, hoping Jordan was home. I walked into the living room and saw Jordan sitting on the ground, running his fingers through his hair, clearly deep in thought.

He looked up at the sound of footsteps, and when he saw me, he immediately shot up from the floor, but didn't move from the location in front of the wall.

I don't know what came over me, perhaps the absolute adorableness of his looks right then and there, a wanting of feeling cared for, perhaps the fact that I just liked him, but I ran up to him, pinned him against the wall and kissed him.

I pulled away after a few moments and I heard Jordan gasp. He took my arm from my side and saw the dark purple bruise. 

I was certain he was going to say something I didn't want to hear, something like, "I am so sorry," or "Did I do this?"

But instead, he said, "Dang, I'm a good puncher."

I laughed loudly, and I felt a warm feeling wash over me. I felt like this was the perfect moment. Standing in his arms, laughing, feeling warm inside.

I even forgot momentarily about the fact that I would never be able to be with Jordan.


A/N Sorry for the delay of this chapter. XD I am 1) busy, as always, 2) a professional crastinator, and 3) SUFFERING FROM A LARGE BUTT CALLED WRITER'S BLOCK.

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated! 


My One and Only - A CaptainSparklez FanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz