Chapter Nineteen - The New Condo

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Chapter Nineteen - The New Condo


"What?!" I exclaimed. 

"You heard me right, Ellie," Jordan said, stepping closer to me. I put a hand on his chest before he could come any closer.

"Hold your freaking horses, Jordan. One, what makes you think I want to move in with you? And two, what makes you think my parents would approve of this?" I said, pushing his shoulder with my index finger.

Jordan smiled slightly. "Well for number one, I was just hoping. And number two, you're not going to ask them. You're eighteen, you can move out."

I thought for a moment, my lips pursed into a straight line. Gradually, my smile began to grow, and I practically leaped into Jordan.

"Jordan, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much!" I yelled, jumping up and down in his arms.

"Why are you thanking me?" he asked, stroking my hair and laughing.

"I don't know... I guess for just coming back," I murmured into his chest, calmed down at this point. I dug my face deep into his body, taking in his scent.

He pulled me out of his chest and leaned down to kiss me. After a few moments, we pulled apart and he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his computer room.

"Time to look for a new home," he said, clapping his hands together and sitting down in the chair. He patted his lap and motioned me to sit on it.

I took the seat gladly and after about ten minutes, we decided on a condo instead of an apartment. It was only about five minutes away, and Jordan immediately called the owner.

"Yah, uh, hi, my girlfriend and I were wanting to come down and check out the condo-- yes. Oh, great! Okay, thank you! Bye," Jordan said on the phone before he hung up.

He grabbed my hand and headed out the door with his keys. "He said we can check it out right now if we wanted to," he said simply, now pulling me into his car.

When we had arrived, it was a lot bigger than the pictures exposed, but no complaints, right?

After about an hour of talking to the owner of the condo and wandering the empty house, Jordan looked at me and smiled.

"Ready to purchase your first home?" he said.

I smiled back at him. "Let's do this," I replied simply.


Luckily, my parents were out when I crept into the house, sneakily grabbing all of my suitcases and stuffing all of my belongings in there.

I was just about to zip up my last suitcase when I heard a voice at the door clear their throat. "Ahem," they said dramatically.

I whipped around, hair flying into my face, and I saw my mother standing at the doorway, her eyes dark and angry. When the hell did she get here?! I thought.

"What do you think you are doing, Ellie? Running away?" she asked, clearly pissed and turning more and more red with every moment.

I scoffed. "I guess you could say that," I replied calmly, pulling the zipper all the way around the suitcase. "I'll just be following Cassidy's steps."

That threw my mother over the edge. She walked right up to me and slapped me. I felt the familiar sting on my cheek, but I just look back at her with a deep hatred in my eyes.

"All the more reason why I'm leaving this shithole," I muttered loudly through clenched teeth. I grabbed all of my suitcases and my backpack and headed out the door.

Jordan came and picked me up, helping me lug the suitcases into the trunk.

Right when he and I both entered the car, he kissed me on the forehead quickly and we backed out of the driveway.

We quickly arrived to the condo and began unpacking all of our belongings. 

I was trying to find a place in the bedroom where I could put a photo frame of Jordan and I from senior year, when I felt Jordan wrap his arms around me and place his head on my shoulder.

"Come on, Ellie, let's go out to have dinner. I mean third time's a charm, right?" he asked, laughing.

I giggled and sighed. "Alright, let's go," I responded, spinning around in his arms and kissing him lightly on the lips.

He smiled and we drove to Olive Garden. When we had arrived, we saw Cassidy and Mitch there surprisingly.

"Oh!" Cassidy exclaimed, quickly taking her hands away from Mitch's grasp when she saw Jordan and I walk up to them.

Mitch panicked slightly and looked down.

I looked up at Jordan and leaned into his ear. "Looks like Mitch has found someone new, too," I whispered quietly enough for Mitch not to hear.

"Um, do you guys want to eat with us?" Cassidy asked, motioning to the table the waitress was about to escort her and Mitch too.

"Uh, sure, why not?" Jordan replied, taking my hand. I saw Mitch's gaze flicker towards our entertwined hands, and he immediately slipped his into Cassidy's again.

I saw her blush intensely as we sat down, Jordan next to me, and Mitch next to Cass. We pulled up the menus and began searching through the appetizers.

After a few moments, we were all laughing and smiling, and it seemed as though life were perfect, until my phone dinged, alerting me that I had a new text message.

I unlocked my phone quickly and read over the text.

"Wedding's moved. Guess what's next week?" it said, from my mom.

My jaw almost hit the table, and Jordan quickly asked, "Ellie? Why, what happened?"


A/N Sorry for the short chapter! I've been really busy lately because I have a history project due, along with a violin recital, so I've been working my ass off. :c

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


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