:DNAL: Chapter Eight

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It was late at night. My heels clicked across the floor and echoed through the empty hallway. This made me stare around. When I was sure no one was in the corridor I started walking again, again my heels stared clicking. It was strange in a way I couldn't describe.

I was wearing soft bottom flat shoes.

Lucas was in the therapy room, as always, he was there every time I wanted him to be. The glass that stopped the nurses or doctors getting too close looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in days, the exact amount of days he had been here, was my guess..

I made that a side note.

“So, When am I getting out of here, doc?” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. His arms were tied with cuffs to the bottom of his chair legs, but somehow he had manoeuvred himself so that he was stretched and relaxed with his feet up on the table.

“Well, it's hard to say, Once I've cured you of your side of extra crazy, if you do, you'll be put in a high security prison, to a sentence of life. Life is twenty five years and since you're like 29, or something, you get two, so if you be good, and let me do my job you might actually be freeman for the last years of your life. How did you unchain your legs?” I asked as an afterthought.

“You know what the problem is with being crazy?” he asked in a malicious but nonchalant tone, completely ignoring my question. “Even if you aren't crazy, but one person says it, the more you say you aren't crazy, the more you seem crazy. If you don't say anything at all, you're depressed and socially unresponsive. If you say you are crazy, you're put down as a voluntary personnel. It's an all-lose situation.” I tilted my head.

“Why do you kill people Lucas?”

“Have you ever killed someone, doc?”


“Because, if … what?” I shrugged, thanking the world that I had finally got a shocked response out of him.

“One of the nurses that help with the aid, she bugged me to no end. So I stabbed her and blamed it on a patient, not four days before you arrived.”

“And you tell me this why?” I smiled knowingly.

“Because Lucas, you were right, you can tell a crazy person anything. Especially about murder, they're crazy, if they told anyone people would just think they are delusional, if you tell or hint at it, people would take pity on me, the poor doctor who was blamed by a crazy killer on the death of a dear close college. Also, there are no security tapes, so this conversation never happened.” His smirked widened.

“A girl after my own heart.” He replied.

“You and I are alike Lucas, we're both able to be good and bad without caring, but we're both too stubborn to swap sides, because that would mean we have lost. I guess one of us will end up being stronger though, admitting the grass is greener, and swap sides eventually. There is only one question left.” I stood up stretching slightly.

“Who has the most strength.” He at me with a glare, and I knew he was taking it in slowly. I started to walk out, not needing him to answer any of my questions today, I just wanted him to think about it. Before I could exit though, Lucas called me back.

“Doc, That story was as realistic as my parent's death story.” I smiled, but wiped it off before turning over my shoulder once more. "I don't see you until Monday Lucas. Don't cause any hassle, we'll be leaving for France on Tuesday."

"bye, Love, I'll see you then." Then I left him, whistling 'Hush little baby' in a slow way, making it seem like something right out of a horror. I hope he noticed.

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