Death Notes, And Lullabies

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The sound of the doors opening barely registered to me. At this point, hearing screaming patients and death threats was almost calming. It was more worrying not to hear my name cast to the devil. From where I was behind the desk, it would take little effort to look up and peer curiously at the new face that was followed by more footsteps that would warrant your average crazy person. Still, looking up entirely was way too much effort for the occasion. I'd find out soon enough. 

Instead, I continued to flip through the file I had in my hand, turning only slightly to address at the person standing next to me.

"We've got another crazy killer." I muttered.  Hardly unusual for a psychiatric hospital, especially not Entane. Entane was the best facility in England, leading the world (or so they say) in psychiatric rehabilitation for the criminally insane. 

Almost the world renowned Doctors who braced the hall, Dr Morgan Henth was the well known, academically acclaimed, having successfully recovered 14 incurable patients. Although we check on them every couple of weeks, they seemed to be doing better, if not a bit frustrated by the lack of freedom given in prison as apposed to the hospital.

Dr Morgan Henth, one of the youngest Doctors to ever grace the halls of Entane, also happened to be me. (Hi. )

"Morgan. Don't you know who that is?" The receptionist, Claire asked. I sighed, looking up and the brief action wasted far to much energy than I'd have liked. The patient that was wheeled in was already out of sight. It was a long day and just seemed to be getting longer.  

I turned back to Claire, ready to tell her to just let me fall into a chair for a while, when the look on her face stopped my train of though.

"Who was it?" I questioned, to no reply.  "Claire, are you okay?"

  Claire was pale, staring through the doors the new patient had just gone through. I looked up again, fatigue suddenly gone. As I looked around, nearly all of the Doctors and nurses had stopped tending to the patients to try and stare through the door.  I felt my blood turn cold, as slowly every turned their gaze to me. 

I looked back up at Claire, seeking some assurance. I got none. 

"Morgan, I'm so sorry."

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