:DNAL: Chapter Two

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The doors opened and shut, so quickly I barely had time to get it. Lucas was sitting lazing on the chair, his feet not touching the ground, and his arms chained to the back of the chair. He had dark blonde hair and eyes that could be anything from blue, to green to grey. He had a 6 O'clock shadow, but it was unbelievable how well off, and groomed he looked. Wasn't he suppose to be a crazy, uncontrollable killer? He looked like he had just walked onto a set for the winter range of Straight jackets. I looked back at the door,

"Well, It seems you have caused a stir in this hospital." I told him.

"well, miss. I only came here to get better." He said in a sarcastic voice. I let a small smile form on my face.

"Do you feel ill, Lucas?" I asked him sitting down, with my notes in hand.

"It's the voices, miss, they crawl inside my head, tell me to do things." He would be a convincing actor, but the slight smirk on his lips said he was joking.  I rolled my eyes.

"Anything, other than the imaginary, imaginary voices?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nope, actually, I feel quite fine. My arms are aching a bit though."  I looked at the ceiling slightly. This one was going to be sarcastic. I might actually have a decent talk with a patient for once.

"Though, I must say. I have never seen a prettier Doctor. The nurses seem to find me perfectly sexy though."

"Flattery will get you nowhere. Although, I hardly find you sexy." I replied.

"Everyone who has said that has kissed me." He stated.

"Before they died?" I questioned. He gave a knowing smirk. We spent a while throwing questions back and forth, never really getting answers out of either. Finally, it was time for dinner, and I stood up.

"well, it has been interesting, Lucas, but I must have some dinner. I will see you tomorrow."  Lucas stopped me.

"Miss," He called. I turned around.


"You haven't told me your name." I smirked.

"No, I haven't." I agreed.

"You know mine, it is only fair that I know yours." He replied.

"Half the world knows your name Lucas, yet you know hardly any of them but the ones you have murdered."

"I have not met half the world though." He insisted. "But I have met you.”

There's something I had to try with Lucas. Something that went against everything irrational. It was worth a short though, because sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

"Since your so eager. I'll make you a deal.” I took a deep breath. “The day you find out my full name, will be the day I kiss you." He smirked.

"I'll be waiting on it."

Let the games begin.

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