:DNAL: Chapter three

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Her Scream filled him. The man standing in the doorway of the summer house living room. He breathed in, almost as if he was trying to fill himself with the pain consuming the cry.

"You don't like my house?" he asked. He was staring at the girl, a smirk resting on his lips, though he made no move towards her.

"Help, someone! Please help!"  she screamed. The man stood watching as she held her head in the pain caused by her own scream. This time, the man full-out smiled, revealing teeth reddened with the girls blood. She flinched at the sight.

"Fire is a beautiful thing," He muttered to her. "It claims titles of greatness. The great fire of London." He whispered,  a glow spreading through his eyes like wild fire.

Suddenly, the man advanced towards her, pulling out a knife from his belt and moving so fast the girl couldn't blink, he slashed her face, pulled her up by the jaw and stabbed her once in her neck. He stood up, pulling the girl up with him and licked the knife,

"The upper spinal nerve." He stated, revealing his crimson teeth once more with a smirk. "One stab and the pain is..Paralysing."  The man laughed at his own joke, but the girl only squeaked in fright, her eyes widening at the thought of being paralysed for life. The killer sighed, and turned away.

"I suppose this is the end, Katlyn Rowan, paralysing means no pain, and there's no fun, without a scream.”

Before katlyn could blink, he threw his fist into the wall, Katlyn choked on a scream as he retracted his fist, bringing with him plaster and the wooden panels. Soon he was making his way around the room, pulling down wood, crushing furniture, until the room was destroyed. The killer knelled in front of the girl, pulling out a matchbox.

"It should take ten minutes for the flames to reach you, another five before you suffocate in the heat, half an hour before anyone realises the fire, and a further twenty minutes until the fire-fighters get here" He smirked, turning around and lighting the match.

"Please, I'll give you anything!" She shouted, grabbing her last hope of rescue. Lucas turned around, the lit match flickering in his hand, blood on his mouth, dripping from his lips.

"They say a killer is the only one who really knows their victim." He told her and turned around once more, dropping the match on some curtains.  "I have no pity for cowards and liars."

The air was cold outside, but the growing fire inside would soon change that. Lucas walked slowly up the hill overlooking the house and stuck a cigarette in his mouth. There was no screams from the inside, obviously,  Katlyn was paralysed, she couldn't feel, she couldn't walk, all she could do was silently cry, unmoving, and wait for death.

Half an hour later, Lucas threw down his tenth cigarette and walk away, a smile slowly consuming his face, and a mountain of thick black smoke in his wake.

"Do you see killing as a game?" I asked, reflecting on how many smiles and smirks Lucas listed in his memory.

"Life's a game." He replied, with a wink. I raised my eyebrow at his and crossed my legs.

"So how would you know if you have won or lost?" I asked, not liking that I had to admit to myself that this was the first question I had asked a patient and was actually curious as to the answer.

"If you die with a smile on your face, what could you have possibly lost?" I contemplated this, writing it down as a note.

"Then how, Lucas, do you plan to have a smile on your face, when you die in a mad house?" I asked finally, using his confession to my advantage. To my dismay, he didn't even hesitate before a groan escaped his lips. reminding me of a boy who had just been told he was going clothes shopping with his grandmother.

"Doc, why do you always have to turn our flirting into a therapy session? He whined. I rolled my eyes- A habit I didn't acquire until becoming Lucas' Doctor.

"I am your Doctor, Lucas, I'm trying to fix that nut you have loose in your brain, telling you killing is an awesome sport."

"So if I get better, I won't see you?" He sighed sarcastically. I sighed through my nose.

"If you get better, I would come and visit you every month." And I wasn't lying, something told me, if he managed to ever become the normal kind of sane, he would either be lying, or I was a miracle worker, either way, I would keep a close eye on him.

"Aw, Doc, do you have the same intimacy with all your patients?" he asked, I suppressed a shiver, half because I was trained not to show a crazy my reaction, half because that was what he expected. I grinned instead.

"I guess that's another thing you will never know" I saw a flash of curiosity in his eyes and quickly noted it down.  "You know, I haven't forgotten, or missed, that you failed to answer the original question." I stated nonchalantly.

"Doc, I will die with a smile on my face, because the day I die, will be the day I find out your full name"

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