We'll see each other again

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Hey guys.

Yeah, I know, I know. This chapter was due 2 weeks ago. But I got an excuse.

I forgot to save the first copy so I had to retype it.

Well this is the last chapter. Next thing will be the prologue.

Now read away.


Ashley's POV

I kept insisting that I was fine to Oscar but he still brought me to the hospital anyways.

So here I am. Lying on a bed as the thought of the last 10 years passed through my mind. I am almost 22 and I've never been kissed.

My life was once tooken from me but from now I will be independent. I kept wondering what will happen if I got out of bed and walk the few feet down till I get to Chase's room.

Apparently, his brother took the bullet out so now he's recovering. What would I say. I'm not sure if I should forgive him.

The door to my room opened and the doctom came in. "We've done all yor tests Ms. Caban. There seem to be nothing wrong with you. You can leave.

If I could jump for joy I but I couldn't. I looked down at where my cuts used to be. I love being a werewolf. As I walked out that room, I glanced at Chase's room. I'm going in.

Chase's POV

I never knew a life could be as bad as it is for Jared. We both have something in common. We both are tired and have no mates. His shot herself and mine... Man well mine.. I don't know what to say about mine.

There was a small knock on my door and Jared got up and answered it. "Hey" he said. The sweetest voice answered him and then I smelled her.

She came in the room and as I saw her, I knew that she had something to say. Jared got up and left not before giving me a mischevious smirk before he closed the door.

And then there was quiet.

I noticed a new thing about her right then.

She tapped her toes when she was nervous.

"Hey" she said looking at me.

"H-hi" Oh crap, I stuttered.

She giggled the most beautiful sound I've ever heard and I couldn't help but sigh.

"How you feeling" I asked her.

"A little bit of everything. Happy that I'm ok. Sad that people died. Confused that-"

"I love you" I said even surprised at my own words.

Her enthusiastic expression turned blank. I couldn't read her expression.

I was holding my breath since I was not sure what she was going to say.

It seemed like forever before she slowly breathed. She slowly walked up to me, Her vanilla smell embraced me as our lips connected.

Her lips and mine moved together as I force my tongue inside her mouth. She let me in and our tongues fought for dominance which I won and I explored her mouth with so much passion that I felt I would explode.

Our kiss lasted about 20 seconds before she broke it. She got up off me all the while keeping her eye on me. She slowly turns around and opened the door.

I couldn't believe my luck, she forgave me. She walked out the door and closed it behind her.

My angel forgave me.


3 weeks later.

Chase's POV

Ashley's missing. I can't find her anywhere. I got out the hospital a week ago and I've spent this whole time looking for her.

I saw Oscar sitting at the breakfast table. 

"Hey man" I said eshaustedly since I ran the 7 blocks to get to his house. 

"Hey" he said cheerfully.

"Ashley's missing" I told him.

He laughed. Not chuckled but laugh. 

"What's so funny. I've looked everywhere for her man. And I can't find her.

He got up and walked up to me.

"She's not missing"

I looked at him and breathed out.

"Then where is she?"

He laughed again.

"Man it's not funny"

"It kinda is"

"No it's not man, tell me. Where is she"

He looked at me and told me. And the surprise was written all over my face.

Ashley's POV

Paris is nice. Ever since I arrived here, everything is perfect. The shops, the food, the people. Everything.

I wanted to explore the world. I'm 22 and I already made a new friend.

Gerald, my neighbor.

Of course I could never go out with him, my heart belong to Chase Monroe.

But he's nice to look at.

When I told Oscar that I wanted to travel, he gave me one hundred thousand dollar in a five year period.

I told him no, too much nut he forced me to take it.

I'm going to go back there one day and marry Chase. But for now, life is my playbox.

Right now I'm in this restaurant and waiting for a waiter.

Yep. Enjoying life.


There you go. The final chapter. 

Last upload will be in the late week coming up and it will be the prologue.

Please vote on  this. 

A lot of work was put in to come up with the ending and like I said it had to be original.

So thank you for reading.




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