No one could be that evil, could they??!

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Hey Everybody.

How y'all doin?

I just want to say a lot of you guys hate Chase. Don't blame you guys. But just remember one thing, the end might surprise you.


Ashley's POV

I woke up within immense head ake. I mean come on. Everyday I have a head ake. I walked into my bathroom and opened the cabinet and that's when I saw it, my reflection in the mirror.

The red mark on my cheek that marked Britney's knife digging into my skin. I took the pill and walked out the Bathroom. I had to see Edwin, I just had to.

I was about to walk out but I saw a piece of paper outside. I picked it up and was about to read it when I heard moaning.

I tiptoed around the corner and  I saw it. Britney and this figure kissing. I thought it was Chase until I heard her say

"Oh Taylor, that was awesome."

I gasped earning me attention from them. They both looked at me in surprise before I turned around and walked away before I felt this pair of hands grabbing mine, turning me around.

"You better not say anything to anybody about this" Britney said.

"O. Of course not. I won't say anything about this. But your guilt will. If not, his guilt will" I said before turning around and walking away.

I got down the stairs and went to training. I saw Chase smile at me but I ignored him and went to the push up station. 

I saw him walking up to me and I backed up until I hit the pole.

"Hey" he said.

I couldn't even look at him.

"Shouldn't you be working out or doing something else right now instead of talking to me"

"Did you get my note" he said grinning like a five year old.

I could feel a smile coming but I shook my head and gained back my mad face.

"Chase, just leave me alone. Life is going well for you. You got a child, getting married and just that happiness to get you through. What do I have nothing. You took everything and now you're trying to take Edwin from me"

He flinched as the sound of his name.

"You don't belong to him, you belong to me"

I got mad and I said "I am not property. I was right there for you but you didn't want me so please just leave me alone!!"

It was the first time since he arrived that I got a chanve to say that. I felt good and proud as he turned around and walked back to his station.

Chase's POV

I got my hopes up for nothing. 'She would never forgive you' I said to myself as she bend down as she began to do her countless amount of pushups.

My wolf growled in displeasure as i stared at my mate. 'I will get her' I promise.

"What are you looking at" I turned around to see Britney glaring at me.

"um. nothing. nothing. It's nothing."

"You better not be looking at her because if she get in our way, I could get rid of her"

"Britney, how could you be so evil. Wait. Who's watching the baby"

"What" she said.

"Who's watching the baby" I said a little more seriously.

"Oh. Taylor told me that his mate could watch it for us.

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