"Okay," she whispered, "if that's what would make you happy, then be it." She turned on her heel and began walking towards the staff room, but as she reached the door, she turned to look at me, her eyes staring into my own and I held my breath.

"You know where to find me when you return to your old self," was all she said before leaving the door swinging after her bright red hair.


One of things I hated the most would be waiting.

Looking like an idiot just don't appeal to me, but somehow, I still waited for you, and sadly, looked the part of an idiot too.

It has been an hour already since 4:30 in the afternoon: the time we both agreed on, but still, not a single trace of you. I was still patiently waiting for a "sorry, couldn't make it. Emergency, let's reset" text, but none came. Maybe you forgot? Or maybe I heard the 4:30 wrong. Or worse—my stupid emotions clouded my rational and sane thinking and I just imagined it all.

But I was pretty sure you called me first and another time again to set the time. But where were you?

I was finally beginning to consider going home when a black shiny Audi parked in front of Infusion and you came out, looking more dashing than ever in a black and white letterman jacket over a white shirt, ripped jeans and white sneakers. I bit on my lip. You look delectable, and that realization made me feel an urgent pull in my stomach. Something I haven't felt in awhile: desire. Deep, scalding, naughty, sultry desire.

You grinned upon seeing me seated at one of the outside tables of the café and I smiled back, taking notice of the way you sauntered towards me in that smooth and suave way of yours as if there was an invisible string that was pulling me closer to you. I had to held onto the table when the desire that I felt went thicker than what could be considered as acceptable.

"Hi," you said, sounding a little breathless.

"Hi." I tried to look into your eyes, but couldn't. It was too much.

"You look great."

My eyes fell down to the outfit I hastily pulled out of my closet and stuffed inside my bag before leaving for Infusion. It was a simple off-shoulder, gray wool sweatshirt and ripped jeans. Something that I thought was a little far from my comfort zone, but was still within the parameters. It was anything but great, but I was glad you made an effort to compliment me.

"Thanks. You look amazing."

You laughed, eyes crinkling with amusement and held tilted back. We both smiled at each other for a beat of silence before you looked away and began dusting off your jacket. "It's just something I pulled out last minute. Good thing it came out well." You cleared your throat and looked up. "So, you ready to go?"

I smiled. "More than ever."


"This place is so cool." I was looking around Glowing Duffer's wide interior and was in awe of all the bright, glow-in-the-dark golf balls and mini courses that the place was boasting. The place felt futuristic, advanced and playful at the same time with all the bright yellows, greens, pinks, oranges and blues all over the place. It had about twelve mini-courses that you could choose from and three of them had the most line—most of them were teenagers who were in groups, filling the place with their loud, gleeful laughter.

You glanced down at me and smiled, seemingly satisfied of my awe. "My friend Jason told me about it."

"I never knew you had friends."

You laughed, a deep melodious laughter that made my toes curl. "Surprisingly, I do. I've got quite a few actually. Some from uni, the band, and some who are younger than me—Jason for example."

"Oh?" My ears perked up with interest. "You're in a band?"

From an easy expression, your eyes shifted and quickly held a guarded look, taking me off-guard. "I used to be," was all you said before picking up a random golf cub and grabbing my hand. "Ready to get beaten down?"

A devilish smirk spread onto my face and I squeezed your hand. "More than ever."


The crowd roared in loud cheers when the ball slipped right through the hole, and I immediately began jumping up and down, raising my hands in the air as I laughed.

"I won!" I said, a grin wide on my face and cheeks flushed from the adrenaline.

You rolled your eyes and lifted your cub to swing over your shoulder. "Beginner's luck."

"Hey!" I slapped your chest and turned to face the small crowd that have gathered to witness my victory. "Do you guys believe this sore loser over here?"

A loud chorus of assorted no's filled the place, making me laugh once again and you to raise you hands up in defeat. "Jeez, no need to trample on the guy's already wounded ego."

The crowd laughed before everyone began going back to their own game, leaving the both of us smiling at each other as we bathed in the strong buzz of joy that the moment provided.

"Oh c'mon, stop being so dramatic. We both know that losing to a first-timer haven't done any damage to your ego that has the same size as this place."

A snort went past your lips, both our eyes locking into the vast room filled with bright neon lights. "Yeah, yeah, believe whatever you want to, say whatever you want to. I won't tell anyone that I purposely let myself lose just because I thought it would be sweet to let my date win."

My head whipped around only to see you with your eyes wide with the sudden realization of what your words implied. You stared at me for a moment, taking in my mouth that slightly parted in surprise and eyes that were glistening with curiosity and a bit of hope. We both held each other's gazes, both grappling on whatever words we could hold onto to swing the moment back into reality, but we couldn't. We both knew that we were stuck in that one moment, wherein every thing else didn't matter. Where no one will judge us, and all it took was a second; a second of your attention to drop to my lips and for mine to look at yours too. And then as the lights around us continued to blink, as another ball spun and spun until it fell into another hole with a clack, urging the crowd to cheer—you pulled me into your arms.

And I let you.

You pulled me closer and I let you. You held me, you let my senses be overwhelmed by your scent until there was nothing. Until there was nothing else that I could feel aside from warmth of your lips.

And I let it.

I let it consume me, I let it corrupt me— I kissed you back.


To those who are wondering who is Jason, he's one of my main characters in Love Is Stupid: a completed short story that has yet to be edited. It's the first installment to the the LOVE Series and Sean made a small appearance there too. For those who came from Love Is Stupid to Love Is Symphony, both stories can be read as a stand-alone, though I might add a scene or two in which I'll be featuring some of my characters from my other story into another one from the same series. So for those who aren't aware of this, if you want to be able to join in with the fun and relate to those who have read both stories, then, you're most certainly welcome to check my other work 😉

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