Chapter Four - My Pity Party

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Buzz Buzz...

*broken glass sound*

I am immediately waken up by the sound of broken glass. I look down on my feet and saw my alarm broken.

"That must have been me," I say. I shrug my shoulders so I don't have to deal with my morning crisis anymore. No more waking up by the sound of torture. I walk to the bathroom and do my business and change my clothes.

After that, I leave my room and go down for breakfast. After all, it is actually 8:39am. Finally I can wake up early now! As soon as I reach the dining table, I see no one there. I must have been the first one today.


Then Jane comes down. She looks at me with a smile and walks towards me.

"Happy--" she says but I interrupt her.

"Today's my birthday?" I ask confusingly.

"Yeah," she answers.

Damn it! I don't want anyone to know about my birthday, for some reason that I don't actually know.

"Don't tell anyone," I tell her.

"Why? What about your-" she asks when I interrupt her again.

"I don't want to," I mutter.

"Okay," she agrees sadly. It is pretty sad because I won't be celebrating but it's just that I don't feel like I wanted to. Also because I can't, I'm in a kidnapper's house. I don't get it though, why?

Then Bryan comes down. He almost greet me but I stop him and tell him the same thing again. Why does people have to do this? But luckily Tessa and Sam doesn't know anyone of this. I mean, they only focus about each other, Bryan and Jane, I don't talk to them much and I had no history with them. They just got to know me this year, so.. why?

Today's full of questions.

Then Jerome comes down. His face shows stress and anger. Must have been the news. Never check the news, it is very stupid.

"Good Morning," Jane greets him.

"Morning," Bryan greets him next. Jerome just groans and walks to get his water. Jane gives me a sign that she is gonna tell him about my birthday but I stop her. I just have to.

~ Two hours later ~

"No! Don't you dare tell them!" I scream at the top of my lungs to stop Jane from telling them that today is my birthday. I couldn't let them know. I just couldn't, for some reason I don't know.

"No (y/n)! I have to!" she screams at me again.

"Please Jane! No! Please!" I shout again. I can see that she is about to yell again but Bryan interrupts our argument.

"What's the yelling for?" he asks grumpily, "and (y/n), I kinda agree with Jane, we must tell them."

"No, you guys won't," I grumble. No, I can't!

"Watch us," Bryan says firmly and they walk away to the living room. Shit, I'm dead!


Jerome walks in the entertainment room with a plain face without any expression. I look at him while folding my page and putting the book down.

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